Just to give you an idea of how easily you can misconstrue what D'Lo was looking at...one game at CA I was in the student section and after a foul got called or some stoppage of play, D'Lo walked close to the student section and looked up as if trying to concentrate on something. I followed his eyes projection and it was just some girl he knew that he was basically acknowledging. You can't say it was definitely scoreboard watching and even if it was, who really cares? More selfish players are a product of the culture of the game today. Many teams have 1 dominant scorer and a supporting cast. Melo when he was at Cuse, Zeller on Indiana, Brooks when he was at Prov, Harrison at SJ, etc. When you have a shot of being a millionaire at 19 or 20 going to the NBA, damn right these guys scoreboard watch. If you want the scouts to notice, you have to put up big games.