failed to qualify

Get rid of all three of them. If they aren't responsible enough to do the work to become eligible, then I don't want them here. It's not like they all of a sudden woke up one day and out of nowhere were having academic was a work in process that took time....


Way to be supportive of our guys
 I feel for these three kids, and can't help but think that they are in part a product of a broken system where there may be few answers.

Most high level hs basketball talent begin the intoxicating and dizzying process of recruitment in their junion years of high school. They already are playing a sport that begins with tryouts in October and a season that runs through March. In most cases, the very same week the high school season ends, the AAU season begins. When the AAU season ends at the end of June, elite summer camps begin.

Besides being severely distracted by a lengthy recruiting processing, these kids are already putting in tons of time 12 months a year into basketball. They are celebrated as heroes in their high schools, AAU squads, and even in recruiting blogs. It's no wonder so few have the time or focus to become serious students.

Throw in the reality that many D1 talents have to deal with living in places and social sutations that few of us have had to deal with, and its a recipe for disaster academically. Hopefully, for our recruits, they are geting the chance to repair themselves academically, and move on not only to eligibility but to gain a real education.

It's really easy to start saying we are recruiting the wrong kind of player, but I really think the system is broken with no sign of repair. We make heroes out of kids barely in their teens for the ability to excel at sports, and its way too easy for schoolwork to barely happen as a result of the attention and time required.

On the way plus side, over the past couple of years I've met a number of our own basketball alumni, now adults. Each of them without exception are poised, confident, well spoken men. No doubt they were enhanced by their athletic and academic experience, at St John's and beyond. One can only hope for the same for the current edition of the Johnnies.

Ineligility isn't the worst thing for these kids. Hopefully its a wakeup call that they have to put in serious time into their education before initiating a time consuming NCAA career. Let's try to be more concerned for them as people, and not just as basketball commodities.
 the non-qualifiers are said to have taken three courses each over the summer at northeast prep in philadelphia.

northeast prep is an ncaa accredited school.

the trio all received A's in each of their classes.

the ncaa wouldn't buy it.

couldn't these guys have pulled a couple of B's???

just asking.
 the non-qualifiers are said to have taken three courses each over the summer at northeast prep in philadelphia.

northeast prep is an ncaa accredited school.

the trio all received A's in each of their classes.

the ncaa wouldn't buy it.

couldn't these guys have pulled a couple of B's???

just asking.

A very fair question but who knows the real reason, certainly not I.
Is it a case of SJU getting hosed as you mentionned yesterday?
That would certainly not surprise me.
 Here is what a Kentucky fan posted on Cbs: Entire class? Moron

Maybe one....but THREE !!
OK....I can see a program like St. John going after a questionable player. Hell, even NCAA squeeky-clean Calipari went after a marginal student or two, take Eric Bledsoe for issue with pursuing one guy like that. But to have the entire class hit the fan at once is almost unprecidented. For gods sake Lavin, talk about a waste of time and resource. As a UK fan I'm pissed about it, because now our Dec 1st game loses a lot of it's national luster. The Johnnies will limp out of Rupp with a 20 point butt-whippin', and that will be that......not much drama in that.
Since the institution was accredited by the NCAA - on what basis were they declared to be ineligible? Did the NCAA recommend any plan of action to ensure that eligibiity was achieved or does that just have to be deduced from past experience? Were these the wrong classes? Did more have to be taken? Were their high school records so inadequate that it would take more than a summer to offset them? Whatever was on the NCAA's mind clearly the right course of action was not taken.  
 Maybe some of he blame so go to the HS they attended.Teachers and councelors shoud know especially with very talented players if they we having problems an should havtepped in long before it game to this,that said I still feel these kid will eventually qualify and play and represent SJU well
Glad to hear Garrett say he was coming in 2nd semester. Shows dedication to the program.
 Here is what a Kentucky fan posted on Cbs: Entire class? Moron

Maybe one....but THREE !!
OK....I can see a program like St. John going after a questionable player. Hell, even NCAA squeeky-clean Calipari went after a marginal student or two, take Eric Bledsoe for issue with pursuing one guy like that. But to have the entire class hit the fan at once is almost unprecidented. For gods sake Lavin, talk about a waste of time and resource. As a UK fan I'm pissed about it, because now our Dec 1st game loses a lot of it's national luster. The Johnnies will limp out of Rupp with a 20 point butt-whippin', and that will be that......not much drama in that.

Funny stuff from UK supporter whose coach recruited and brought to the States a PROFESSIONAL European player that was PAID to play for a PROFESSIONAL team and whom he expected the NCAA to clear who barley spoke ENGLISH and just by coincidence gets drafted by the NBA......see my F N eyes rolling???? 
great questions. who's going to ask? it's like telling the mob the interest is too high on the loan, so you're not paying. the ncaa holds all the knee busting baseball bats.  

that's how they get away with "guilty until proven innocent".
Asking the NCAA is like approaching the Kremlin on questions of foreign policy. However, our coaching staff must have operated under some controlling assumptions - what were they and why did the prescription fail to provide a remedy to the problem? If these questions remain unanswered (at least among the staff) it means that we're vulnerable to suffering the same fate again - and again - and again. I can't see this staff letting that happen - but, on the other hand - I couldn't see this staff striking out on all three players in the first place. Will some sort of explanation be forthcoming?
Glad to hear Garrett say he was coming in 2nd semester. Shows dedication to the program.

Good news, but i'd much rather hear Pelle say that. We need a big body.

Pelle was 6'9 and 200lbs soaking wet! This young team was going to rely on quickness and multiple subs at the forward positions. The only big body was GG and he is still here. The remaining players wanted playing time well they will get two years worth and be better off for it in the next year or so.
WithTwitter and every other imaginable medium hemorrhaging information 24/7 it is astoundiing to me that none of us had a clue that any no less three of our players might wind up ineligible at the eleventh hour.

Now all that counts is what they have to do to get on the court in December and whether or not they are willing and able to do it.

Everyone had an idea it probably wouldnt be 9 for 9. Rise scared me from the beginning and putting all 3 in the same place was a very dumb decision in my eyes. Its almost asking the NCAA to come pry. I know I didn't expect all 3 to get negged. Thats the shock value. I felt confident with Jakarr and Pelle in NY and not so much Amir. Go figure.

Agree, many (maybe most) basketball factories are just that, hoops first and academics a very distant second. If you recruit out of those you are getting the best players but run the risks associated. Not surprising and certainly not "the sky is falling" reaction many are having. We still have talent. I'm sure in a private moment the staff would admit it did so much seemingly redundant recruiting rather than save scholarships just because of this possibility.
It's a real slippery slope........Our administration no doubt knows why the grades did not get them over the hump, but I
think they are between a rock and a hard place. They have to be careful not to violate privacy issues of the 3 men involved. I think eventually we will get some carefully laundered explaination as to why they did not qualify. Our spokesman seemed so certain all of them would be here. very odd.,,,,,, 
All in all this just stinks. On the surface this seems kinda weird, obviously we are not privy to everything. Hopefully it gets ironed out, but it's disappointing to say the least. Do you think this will effect us with KA?
It's a real slippery slope........Our administration no doubt knows why the grades did not get them over the hump, but I
think they are between a rock and a hard place. They have to be careful not to violate privacy issues of the 3 men involved. I think eventually we will get some carefully laundered explaination as to why they did not qualify. Our spokesman seemed so certain all of them would be here. very odd.,,,,,, 

I agree Frank. Otherwise, wouldn't we appeal their decision?
 Love Garrett's latest tweets, @Amir_Garrett: i know my team gone hold it down till we get . love his dedication to the program. I cant wait to see the entire team eligible to play. it will be a fun team to watch!!
Every day I like Amir even more. Looking forward to him getting here in december 
Every day I like Amir even more. Looking forward to him getting here in december 

Some college athletes, particularly freshman, you worry about them posting on social media sites, because they may say something that would get themselves, or there teammates, or there school, into trouble.

I have no such worries about Amir, in that regard. He seems to have a very positive attitude, and that can only rub off on his teammates.