Yankees 2024 Season

what a 6th inning for nestor. 2nd and 3rd no outs. then k then k then bb then a k. 4 zip.
2 great outfield catches - dougie then $99.
which is easier - volpe stealing 3rd or the other team stealing 2nd ?
the terrible threesome have zero hits, yanks have 4 runs. sail boat racer has more than 3 oars.
This Judge guy really sucks. 🤣

Horrendous defensive game. This infield is poor. Chisholm looks like shit at 3B.

You can't win with 4 errors, but more importantly, 0 for 8 with RISP. Again, this team just does not execute with RISP.

Can't lose a game when your Ace is on the mound, and the opponent's pitcher comes in 3 & 12.

Everytime it looks like this team might put some room between them and the Orioles, they screw up.
you know it will be a long day when joey gallo knocks in first run.
you know it will be a long day when a few at bats later, joey gallo hits the outfield wall.
yanks are one of the worse teams defending the stolen base.
really bad defense in the game.
heart break at bat. 8th inning. bases loaded. no outs. ground ball twin killing.
Typical start to the game. Runner on 3rd, 1 out. Yanks can't even get a run in. Can't friggin hit with RISP.

Then in the bottom half, a homer, single, steal, wild pitch, walk and a balk. You can't make this shit up. Down 2 zip.
Yanks cut the lead to 1 on Chisholm's homer. Then Rodon gives the run plus another right back. Up to 46 pitches in the 2nd inning. Not long for the game, which might be a good thing.
1 for 12 with RISP. Enough said. How bad is this team in those situations! Lost 2 of 3 to a team a ton of games under .500.

Top 5 hitters were 1 for 18.

Like I said, this team is going nowhere. Same old, same old. Rodon struggles yet again.

Allowed 5 steals tonight.

The attention to detail on this team has been atrocious since the day Boone took over.