Yankees 2024 Season

You have to be able to at least get a bunt down when you're a bench player. Could have put the game away there. Can't win them all, but this could have been a good one.

Torres, what more can anyone say about him? Effing ridiculous.

Need a really good start out of Cortes tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breadth, although his Yankee Stadium splits are very good.

DJLM, Torres and Rizzo giving the lineup nothing.

1 for 8 with RISP isn't going to get it done.

What a bullshit defense of Torres by Boone. Unbelievable.

The fact that this team was totally shut down tonight is the concern I always have about this team, especially as a playoff team.
game 65.
with soto as a bench warmer, the punchless yanks had no runs/4 hits thru 10 frames.
what a sad sight trents 2 sad bunt attempts.
no soto, toothless trent in lineup and somewhere on earth the martian not swinging a bronx bat.
It's one game in June against the Bums. I was surprised how many Dodger fans were in attendance.
What a shit show, now, 2 nights in a row. 0 for 7 with RISP, can't make routine plays (so done with effing Torres: Verdugo with a misplay as well), can't get anyone out named Hernandez. The Statue can't hit when it counts, ever, it seems. Rizzo is done.

Cortes should lose his starting spot if and when Cole comes back. I fully expect Gil to finally get lit up tomorrow night, unfortunately.

No faith in the bullpen. I don't care what the stats say. Santana should be DFA'd. Yankees pitchers allowed 19 batters on in 9 innings. Horrible.

Dodgers clearly the better team. And I hate saying that.

Lost 2 games in the standings in 2 nights to the Orioles while at home. Not good.

Can't wait to hear the excuses Boone makes for Torres. He thinks Torres's defense over the last month has been good. WTF!!

Disappointing sweep coming up. Typical Yanks, whether regular season or playoffs, not showing up in a big series.

Amazed that Boone did not know what Soto did today in terms of preparation. Amazing.
What a shit show, now, 2 nights in a row. 0 for 7 with RISP, can't make routine plays (so done with effing Torres: Verdugo with a misplay as well), can't get anyone out named Hernandez. The Statue can't hit when it counts, ever, it seems. Rizzo is done.

Cortes should lose his starting spot if and when Cole comes back. I fully expect Gil to finally get lit up tomorrow night, unfortunately.

No faith in the bullpen. I don't care what the stats say. Santana should be DFA'd. Yankees pitchers allowed 19 batters on in 9 innings. Horrible.

Dodgers clearly the better team. And I hate saying that.

Lost 2 games in the standings in 2 nights to the Orioles while at home. Not good.

Can't wait to hear the excuses Boone makes for Torres. He thinks Torres's defense over the last month has been good. WTF!!

Disappointing sweep coming up. Typical Yanks, whether regular season or playoffs, not showing up in a big series.

Amazed that Boone did not know what Soto did today in terms of preparation. Amazing.
2 days ago Yanks had best record in baseball. Now 2 days later you make them sound like complete and utter garbage or should I say like the Mets 🤣
A night in the life of a Yankees fan. 🤣

Had a chance to really make a statement against a quality opponent, and for the 2nd time this year, are failing. Lost 3 of 4 to Orioles earlier.
who needs soto? we have trent .yanks up by 2.
When I saw him come up in that spot, I was cursing Boone for this godawful lineup. Boone being Boone, thinking he's the smartest person in the room. I must say, Grisham is a great postgame interview, given the cards he's been dealt.

Big win before going on the road

BTW, the Dodgers can have Ohtani. I'll take the 5 tool Aaron Judge over him any day. By a mile. What the Dodgers did with Ohtani's contract should never have been allowed. Yanks are a better team with Cole and Soto.

The Statue continues to show that in a big spot, he can't hit good pitching, but more importantly, he can't be depended on.

Disappointing that the Yankees staff never found out a way to get Hernandez out all weekend. No adjustments at all.

Gil wasn't great, as he's been, but he kept it close.

Real nice win!!
yanks did hold ohtani in check.
I might have been a bit harsh on trent. crow for lunch.
yes. the yanks pen has tailed off a bit in the last 6 weeks or so. dodgers pen is solid.
volpes bat continues to amaze me.
$99 is having a season of biblical proportions.
mystery on sotos health and why no outfield boy wonder has been called up.
rooting like crazy for dj to be more productive with the stick.
i dont see rizzo being productive any more.