Transfer Portal

The age of plastic Tonka toys. The metal ones were better and lasted forever. Surely they could spring for a PS 5.
My parents saved them alll from my my brother and I. For my 2 year old nephews now. Those things stood the test of time they are still great the metal ones
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They do last forever. Some of the plastic ones were decent and sturdy but nothing like the metal ones. We still have some of both.
Staying on topic I wish I had my old star trek with transfer portal folding box thing set. Those things with GI Joe and Star Wars stuff are worth crazy money now

I'd like to transfer portal the proceeds of that stuff to my bank
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Kaluma had nearly as much ability as any player in next years BE. He also gave a different dimension to creightons front court that made them much harder to get exploited by more athletic teams. Of course kalkbrenner is huge there as well.

Needless to say I think it’s a huge loss. I could see creighton being amazing on some nights but more susceptible to lesser teams overall. Another rollercoaster transfer season for a BE team. They’ll still be a top 20 team to start the season but many were thinking top 5-10 after the season concluded.
So those wondering if WVU undergrads can enter Portal now that it is closed evidently the rule says they have 30 days from the coaching change to enter portal. The other question I have is for those WVU players that are transfers in and enrolled if they choose to enter Portal I assume they would be considered multi-transfer players and would require a waiver to play next year assuming they were planning on using their 1 time transfer exemption this year when they transferred into WVU.
