Radical Islamist Terrorist Attacks

Most of the soldiers that were killed, wounded and maimed in Afghanistan were "volunteers". They joined the military in a time of relative peace to make a life for themselves. Many joined for an escape from poverty. I have no problem using our military when necessary but want the students at our universities fighting alongside the "volunteers in a draft which like Israel you can't get out of. Vietnam was a disaster because most people with money was able to escape the draft.

ISIS was created by the war in Iraq which was orchestrated by a Republican administration. There is no evidence that Dr. Ben Carson will no how to fight ISIS who wants to battle Americans as they wait for the end of the world.

Over the past 25 years: 1) George HW Bush was a war hero in WWII 2) Bill Clinton (poor) avoided the draft with a student deferment 3) George W Bush served in the Texas Rangers to avoid Vietnam 4) John Kerry served in Vietnam but faked an injury to be sent home 5) Obama never registered for the draft as required by law.

In the Iraq war after the very early stages where Hussein's troops were defeated, we were fighting Al Qaeda terrorists. President Bush asked Congress to authorize a military surge in 2007 a surge that the fledgling Senators Obama an d Clinton voted against. It worked, and at the close of his term, the US had secured 18 of 22 Iraqi provinces. The withdrawal plan from Iraq required the transfer of security forces from the US to Iraq. Joe Biden was sent to negotiate the plans of the transfer and bungled it so badly (intentionally?) that Iraq asked us to leave. Without adequate security, Isis then began to take over huge chunks of Iraq.

The neophyte Obama campaigned in 2007 ad vowed to withdraw all troops from Iraq within 60 days of taking office. Of course he had no idea of what he was saying, and the withdrawal took 3 years. I don't know how you win a war by announcing when you leave.

You say that Dr. Ben Carson (a true scholar, not a mediocre student at Occidental College who miraculously got accepted to transfer to Columbia) is not equipped to lead a military effort as Commander in Chief. I agree, but by those standards, of course Obama is a neophyte ill equipped to lead. He has shown zero ability to build consensus and reach across the aisle. By nature he is divisive, and 7 years later blames Republicans and his predecessor at every turn. No President in my lifetime ever criticized the other party with so much regularity. When he is gone from office, America can begin to rebuild.

Can you explain why a President so committed to the war on terror would swap 5 key Al Qaeda leaders in Gitmo for one military deserter who walked away from his post (after sending all his belongings home) to join the Taliban?

I agree that Obama has made some mistakes. What I don't agree on is that Bush invading Iraq to eliminate" weapons of mass destruction" was not a disaster. As for the points on War Service, Bush Sr. fought in WW2 as part of a draft and many on here don't think Obama is a citizen so why would he register for Vietnam?

Will have to say Beast that your posts are a thing of beauty. If you knock them out in a couple of minutes you are an incredible writer.

I appreciate your comments about my writing.

I like to give credit when credit is due, so if you asked me, the Democrats have a better position on the environment, but not as the leading issue. On that front, I'd say that without a global policy, tightening reigns on US manufacturers only drives that business overseas or makes it much harder for US companies to sell competitively, costing US jobs.

While I'm sure many younger Americans failed to register for the draft, someone running for public office should have rectified that long ago, and not be dismissive about it. Either that or change the law.

I'm in the vast minority regarding the war in Iraq, but I also believe there is some revisionist history going on here. EVERYONE, including President Clinton, believed that Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction. Google it - the oft repeated question, even by elected officials was not whether Saddam Hussein was ever developing WMDs, but whether he had dismantled the program, as he had stated. There was nothing to suggest he had, and even both of his son-in-laws (who fled Iraq only to be coaxed by by Saddam and then executed) claimed they were still in development. After claiming the programs were dismantled, Hussein then ignored 17 United Nations resolutions demanding that weapons inspectors come into Iraq to be shown that these programs indeed had been terminated. Those in the know said Hussein had a mobile program in effect, where he could quickly close up shop and move it. Of course, even after our invasion, we could never find them. HOWEVER, as a response to 9-11, we couldn't let a murderous sponsor of terror continue to defy the UN's call for weapons inspectors. So, when we declared war on IRaq, Hussein abruptly relented, and said we could come in. To me, if there is a Bush error, maybe he shoudl have sent weapons inspectors in before proceeding with an invasion.

There is an ongoing debate as to whether its better to keep murderous, brutal dictators in place, even those that sponsor terror, since they control their country. Hussein murdered at least 500,000 of his own countrymen. Since 9-11-01, I've met dozens of servicemen as a result of business travel, and I engage them frequently. They all say the same thing: We were doing a job. We did a good job. And Iraqis repeatedly expressed gratitude for them being there. Liberals railed that we lost 3,500 servicemen as a result of the Iraq war. Newspapers kept a body count daily. Compare that loss to Vietnam, where I believe the number was 58,000. Or WWII - some 295,000. Miraculously when Obama took over and war continued, the body count stopped.

Maybe 50 years from now, the Iraq war will be appropriately (in my view) framed as America's response to the sheer inhumanity of the 9-11 attacks on civilians. I am certain of this however. The folks we were fighting and killing for nearly the entire war were Al Qaeda terrorists. And I'm just fine with that. Instead of retreat, I'd be just fine with warring there until every last radical Islamist is dead. If moderate Muslims are truly moderate, they'd agree.
Did anyone else see the Frontline episode last night on ISIS in Afghanistan and the Taliban in Pakistan?

Unbelievable 32 minutes. Showed ISIS training young boys maybe 7-12 years old how to use an AK-47, a pistol, a grenade etc. Teaching them the meaning of Jihad... Interviewed two 13 and 17 year old brothers who have been trained to be suicide bombers and are awaiting their "assignment". It was sickening and horrifying. Unbelievable brainwashing. The only good I could see is that ISIS and the Taliban are now at war for control in Afghanistan and will hopefully neutralize each other.

The second 20 min segment was on a Pakistan police chief who with a small team is going after the Taliban head on in Karachi. Night raids, gun battles, interrogations, the whole 9 yards, nothing is held back.

I recommend you watch this: http://video.pbs.org/video/2365608927/
this is just another reason why homeland is the best show on tv even better than the walking dead
Do miss the Brody character and especially his wife played by Morena Baccarin. My new favorite character is Bashir Ahmed. :)

his wife was hot
Carnesseca Arena with their tight security might be the safest place to be tomorrow
Carnesseca Arena with their tight security might be the safest place to be tomorrow

It's usually 120 degrees in there, though, so terrorists from the Middle East would feel right at home.
Carnesseca Arena with their tight security might be the safest place to be tomorrow

It's usually 120 degrees in there, though, so terrorists from the Middle East would feel right at home.

This topic reminds me of a notion I picked up as a boy from somewhere, someplace:
DO NOT DISCUSS RELIGION SPORTS POLITICS around the dinner table. I hope none of us are eating while we are reading and replying to this topic.
By the way, please pass the pepper, is there more salad, can we have a quiet moment and (to my date) a kiss. I would like a bourbon and ginger ale.

Former soldiers (and some human beings) often (not always) long for peace and at times solitude. But they realize sometimes there is violence to tend to.
I wish there were no need for this post.

God bless us all, especially if you get the underlying drift of what I'm trying to convey.

The best
Carnesseca Arena with their tight security might be the safest place to be tomorrow

It's usually 120 degrees in there, though, so terrorists from the Middle East would feel right at home.

This topic reminds me of a notion I picked up as a boy from somewhere, someplace:
DO NOT DISCUSS RELIGION SPORTS POLITICS around the dinner table. I hope none of us are eating while we are reading and replying to this topic.
By the way, please pass the pepper, is there more salad, can we have a quiet moment and (to my date) a kiss. I would like a bourbon and ginger ale.

Former soldiers (and some human beings) often (not always) long for peace and at times solitude. But they realize sometimes there is violence to tend to.
I wish there were no need for this post.

God bless us all, especially if you get the underlying drift of what I'm trying to convey.

The best

While too many families dared not to discuss politics at the dinner table, a far more destructive thing was happening - consumption of large volumes of alcohol.

War is not the opposite of peace. Injustice is.

On that note, how can our President be so stubborn as to insist we will admit 50,000 Syrian refugees into this country when we have no means to vet all of them and many have no documentation at all. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to create safe zones in Syria where peaceful Syrians can be protected? I'd say it would take about 50 troops or so do that (sarcasm). How offensive and downright impeachable an offense to fail to protect Americans when we know that some of the French terrorists slipped into their country among refugees, and the mastermind taunted that he could slip in and out whenever he felt like it.

This ISN'T a left vs. right political discussions. This is about the safety and lives of all Americans.


In the above news, 5 Syrians with stolen passports attempted to travel to the US via Honduras. The Caribbean and Central America are viewed by terrorists as having particularly porous check points. The first year that the US Virgin Islands required passports for travel to and from the mainland I was stopped returning to the US since I did not have a passport. When rummaging through my wallet for various forms of government issued identification, the agent saw A NYPD shield on my wallet. She quickly relaxed and told me that in the prior week alone, they had stopped 21 people from entering the US with improper or false identification. We'd all better wake up soon, and be aware of an imminent threat. Terrorists like to make big hits within the US, so major cities, sporting events - anywhere where large numbers of people congregate are all targets. Our leaders in Washington (not only the President) seem intent on improving their political currency among Muslims by failing to attack this problem with the full force and might of the US.

Much has been written about the interment during world war II of Japanese Americans, to prevent US soil from espionage. Almost nothing is written about the restrictions placed on Italian born immigrants. Joe DiMaggio, an American hero and icon for Italian Americans, had a family operated restaurant near Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. During the war when Italy was part of the Axis powers, DiMaggio's parents as Italian born immigrants were not allowed to be X miles from the coastline. As offensive and politically incorrect as that appears, I completely understand both actions as to preserve the safety of all Americans. Sadly, our own safety is taking a back seat to the political correctness of accepting refugees into this country - even those who are planning to do us harm.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Those that are coming here are already coming for Jews and promised the obliteration of their homeland.

Then the communists in Russia have stood up to fight them when Americans have no stomach to protect themselves.

No comment on trade unionists, but if they were eliminated we wouldn't have spent billions to bail out GM. There was a time and place in our history where they served their purpose. Now many are controlled by mobsters.

Your last comment particularly resonates, because THEY are coming - for you and me. But the they are radical Islamic terrorists.
I have a bowl of 10,000 M&M's, 10 are poisoned with lethal chemicals. How many handfuls are you going to take? To both "conservatives" and "liberals."
I have a bowl of 10,000 M&M's, 10 are poisoned with lethal chemicals. How many handfuls are you going to take? To both "conservatives" and "liberals."

liberals will take them all and give them away and they will blame the 10 people that die on conservatives and the need for better healthcare

conservatives will take them and hoard them and no one will get sick :)
I have a bowl of 10,000 M&M's, 10 are poisoned with lethal chemicals. How many handfuls are you going to take? To both "conservatives" and "liberals."

it's more like 3,000,000 M&M's and one is lethally poisoned. But hey who's counting!?
I have a bowl of 10,000 M&M's, 10 are poisoned with lethal chemicals. How many handfuls are you going to take? To both "conservatives" and "liberals."

it's more like 3,000,000 M&M's and one is lethally poisoned. But hey who's counting!?


please read the survey results on the acceptance of suicide bombings of civilians.

you are the world's fastest reader and typer, please give me spark notes version haha
I have a bowl of 10,000 M&M's, 10 are poisoned with lethal chemicals. How many handfuls are you going to take? To both "conservatives" and "liberals."

it's more like 3,000,000 M&M's and one is lethally poisoned. But hey who's counting!?


please read the survey results on the acceptance of suicide bombings of civilians.

you are the world's fastest reader and typer, please give me spark notes version haha

Suicide Bombing
In most of the 21 countries where the question was asked few Muslims endorse suicide bombing and other forms of violence against civilian targets as a means of defending Islam against its enemies. But in a few countries, substantial minorities believe suicide bombing can be often justified or sometimes justified.
Muslims in some countries surveyed in South Asia and the Middle East-North Africa region are more likely than Muslims elsewhere to consider suicide bombing justified. Four-in-ten Palestinian Muslims see suicide bombing as often or sometimes justified, while roughly half (49%) take the opposite view. In Egypt, about three-in-ten (29%) consider suicide bombing justified at least sometimes. Elsewhere in the region, fewer Muslims believe such violence is often or sometimes justified, including fewer than one-in-five in Jordan (15%) and about
one-in-ten in Tunisia (12%), Morocco (9%) and Iraq (7%).

In Afghanistan, a substantial minority of Muslims (39%) say that this form of violence against civilian targets is often or sometimes justifiable in defense of Islam. In Bangladesh, more than a quarter of Muslims (26%) take
this view. Support for suicide bombing is lower in Pakistan (13%). In the countries surveyed in Central Asia and
Southern and Eastern Europe, fewer than one-in-six Muslims consider suicide bombing justified in Turkey (15%), Kosovo (11%) and Kyrgyzstan (10%). Elsewhere in these two regions, even fewer say this tactic can be justified.

In Southeast Asia, Malaysian Muslims are more likely than Indonesian Muslims to consider suicide bombing justifiable (18% vs. 7%).

So if the most moderate of Muslim countries, still 1 in 14 Muslims feel that sometimes there is justification for suicide bombings to kill civilians. Iraq is one of those moderate countries with much lower numbers in response to this poll. No wonder the US had a strategy to use Iraq to try to grow and spread Democratic societies, as opposed to the radical view of theocratic rule of Sharia law. Do you still think we are talking about one in three million??

Using the lowest number in this survey, 7%, if we let in 50,000 refugees, 3500 would think that it is sometimes okay for suicide bombers to kill civilians.
Beast I respect your viewpoint. It's the same view virtually everyone I know has. I have nothing against it, considering we are all looking for the same thing. But I still stand by my numbers. Viewing something as acceptable and actually strapping yourself with a bomb are quite different.

We establish a crazy vetting process and put ourselves out there as a country of inclusion. That is my stance. All of my friends, family, co-workers want to disown me for my political views, I don't expect my friends here at redmen.com to be any different!
Beast I respect your viewpoint. It's the same view virtually everyone I know has. I have nothing against it, considering we are all looking for the same thing. But I still stand by my numbers. Viewing something as acceptable and actually strapping yourself with a bomb are quite different.

We establish a crazy vetting process and put ourselves out there as a country of inclusion. That is my stance. All of my friends, family, co-workers want to disown me for my political views, I don't expect my friends here at redmen.com to be any different!

The reasons a thread like this can exist on Redmen,com is when there is mutual respect. Thanks for yours, and I read your posts carefully before responding. I've considered your response when I read the data, but also consider that radical Islamic terrorists fund raise and recruit in mainstream American mosques. That ridiculously high acceptance of sheer horror would be completely blown up in the press if 7-50% of Christians supported the murder of abortion doctors, for example. The mere fact that one such murderer was self identified as Christian was reason enough for pro-abortion activists to call a faith based abhorrence to abortion as being "Radical"
Viewing something as acceptable and actually strapping yourself with a bomb are quite different.

You gotta be kidding me.

I don't want Syrian Muslims to think Isis is their only salvation. They live in the shi*iest part of the world if you ask me. Let the FBI, Homeland security, defense department vet them for 1 or 2 years and we take them in. We will look better doing that then having geniuses like Chris Christie seem threatened by 3 year-old toddlers