Radical Islamist Terrorist Attacks

My two cents - I agree wholeheartedly with Monte. When someone is trying to kill you, openly dedicated to destroying your way of life, the why becomes totally irrelevant. The idea that we can negotiate with radical Islam is so absurd it would be laughable if it wasn't so dangerous. The ONLY way to deal with this type of situation, whether it's global or a bully in your personal life is to be willing to stand your ground and fight. Unfortunately, it is the human condition and any other ideology refutes that reality. Every decent person on the face of the earth, the overwhelming majority, embraces the concept of peace. Every truly intelligent person understands it is just not possible and never will be, it is the history and nature of mankind. That may not be a popular position in liberal circles but that is reality. All you really have to do is ask yourself, if I and my family are attacked, if my home was invaded, would I fight? We are being attacked. And I don't give a rats ass why or what caused it.
@football_oranje: Reports emerging now that German Police discovered a vehicle disguised as an ambulance filled with explosives near the stadium.
@football_oranje: Reports emerging now that German Police discovered a vehicle disguised as an ambulance filled with explosives near the stadium.

add Germany to the growing list of countries who will make an even larger example out of these radical animals.
This thread...

so I guess that this site can't handle a thread about race and their favorite basketball team, for I remember a thread about whether or not a Black assistant should be hired being removed.

this rancid thread is allowed to grow.

I'm not exactly sure what you find rancid about this thread, which allowed members to express views about the groups that caused the worst carnage on French soil since WWII, and also about how American leaders have dealt with this growing problem. This attack came just 10 months after the Charlie Hebdo attacks. For Americans, it was a painful reminder that another 9-11 scenario is already actively being planned and that many others have been thwarted.

The Pew Research Center noted that in surveying Muslims in primarily Muslim countries, a range of 7-40% responded that suicide bombings can sometimes be justified.The lowest number came from Iraq (7%), a place where the US tried to spread democracy. The highest numbers (20-40%) came from Nigeria, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Egypt. Now that's rancid!


There are even more disturbing surveys where surprising numbers of Muslims blame the US for 9-11, and a significant number believe that the 9-11 attacks were perpetrated by the US and Israel to grow anti-Muslim hatred. Though anecdotal, I once asked a relative who teaches in a largely Muslim school district how many students believe that 9-11 was perpetrated by the US. The person quickly answered, all of them.

In Afghanistan, 99% of those surveyed favor Sharia law being the law of the land, in Pakistan 76% want Sharia Law instituted in all Muslim countries. The numbers are staggering in nearly all Muslim countries no matter how you slice them.

Yet, our current administration clings to the mantra that 99.9% of Muslims are good, faithful, peaceful people who reject radical Islam. There are no statistical measures to support this oft repeated claim. Even if accurate, which it is not, 0.1% of the Muslim population being radical would still amount to 160,000 radical Islamists. Not exactly the JV team, and not exactly a shrinking, contained group.

These statistics point to a significant and present radicalization in the Muslim world. Many rational Americans, Europeans, and others across the globe want this problem to be directly confronted and eradicated by whatever means necessary.

What in this discussion do you find rancid? To me, America's relative inaction against radical Islamic terrorists could be described as rancid. The slaughter of innocent civilians by Islamic jihadists cannot be sufficiently described by words. Revolting, heinous, murderous - all insufficient.

Believe it or not, my comments are not wrapped in hatred. I embrace any human who is guided by goodness, who strives to care and to love, and to make this world a better place. On redmen,com I often find myself on the opposite opinion consistently. Frequently I take it private with those people, who I always acknowledge as good, concerned people who I respect immensely who simply have a different solution to a particular problem. That preamble to civil discourse is what is missing from public dialogue today. Restoring that could be a first big step to solving many of the problems we are face with today.

What is your opinion of a draft where your kids would have to fight in this war not someone else's?
This thread...

so I guess that this site can't handle a thread about race and their favorite basketball team, for I remember a thread about whether or not a Black assistant should be hired being removed.

this rancid thread is allowed to grow.

I'm not exactly sure what you find rancid about this thread, which allowed members to express views about the groups that caused the worst carnage on French soil since WWII, and also about how American leaders have dealt with this growing problem. This attack came just 10 months after the Charlie Hebdo attacks. For Americans, it was a painful reminder that another 9-11 scenario is already actively being planned and that many others have been thwarted.

The Pew Research Center noted that in surveying Muslims in primarily Muslim countries, a range of 7-40% responded that suicide bombings can sometimes be justified.The lowest number came from Iraq (7%), a place where the US tried to spread democracy. The highest numbers (20-40%) came from Nigeria, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Egypt. Now that's rancid!


There are even more disturbing surveys where surprising numbers of Muslims blame the US for 9-11, and a significant number believe that the 9-11 attacks were perpetrated by the US and Israel to grow anti-Muslim hatred. Though anecdotal, I once asked a relative who teaches in a largely Muslim school district how many students believe that 9-11 was perpetrated by the US. The person quickly answered, all of them.

In Afghanistan, 99% of those surveyed favor Sharia law being the law of the land, in Pakistan 76% want Sharia Law instituted in all Muslim countries. The numbers are staggering in nearly all Muslim countries no matter how you slice them.

Yet, our current administration clings to the mantra that 99.9% of Muslims are good, faithful, peaceful people who reject radical Islam. There are no statistical measures to support this oft repeated claim. Even if accurate, which it is not, 0.1% of the Muslim population being radical would still amount to 160,000 radical Islamists. Not exactly the JV team, and not exactly a shrinking, contained group.

These statistics point to a significant and present radicalization in the Muslim world. Many rational Americans, Europeans, and others across the globe want this problem to be directly confronted and eradicated by whatever means necessary.

What in this discussion do you find rancid? To me, America's relative inaction against radical Islamic terrorists could be described as rancid. The slaughter of innocent civilians by Islamic jihadists cannot be sufficiently described by words. Revolting, heinous, murderous - all insufficient.

Believe it or not, my comments are not wrapped in hatred. I embrace any human who is guided by goodness, who strives to care and to love, and to make this world a better place. On redmen,com I often find myself on the opposite opinion consistently. Frequently I take it private with those people, who I always acknowledge as good, concerned people who I respect immensely who simply have a different solution to a particular problem. That preamble to civil discourse is what is missing from public dialogue today. Restoring that could be a first big step to solving many of the problems we are face with today.

What is your opinion of a draft where your kids would have to fight in this war not someone else's?

I know that was to Beast, besides I don't have any kids.
But I'll ask this: Could your kid die right here in America in a terrorist attack?
Over 3,000 died on 9-11, over 100 died in Paris. I'm not saying there should be a draft, but ISIS declared a global war on everyone.
This thread...

so I guess that this site can't handle a thread about race and their favorite basketball team, for I remember a thread about whether or not a Black assistant should be hired being removed.

this rancid thread is allowed to grow.

I'm not exactly sure what you find rancid about this thread, which allowed members to express views about the groups that caused the worst carnage on French soil since WWII, and also about how American leaders have dealt with this growing problem. This attack came just 10 months after the Charlie Hebdo attacks. For Americans, it was a painful reminder that another 9-11 scenario is already actively being planned and that many others have been thwarted.

The Pew Research Center noted that in surveying Muslims in primarily Muslim countries, a range of 7-40% responded that suicide bombings can sometimes be justified.The lowest number came from Iraq (7%), a place where the US tried to spread democracy. The highest numbers (20-40%) came from Nigeria, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Egypt. Now that's rancid!


There are even more disturbing surveys where surprising numbers of Muslims blame the US for 9-11, and a significant number believe that the 9-11 attacks were perpetrated by the US and Israel to grow anti-Muslim hatred. Though anecdotal, I once asked a relative who teaches in a largely Muslim school district how many students believe that 9-11 was perpetrated by the US. The person quickly answered, all of them.

In Afghanistan, 99% of those surveyed favor Sharia law being the law of the land, in Pakistan 76% want Sharia Law instituted in all Muslim countries. The numbers are staggering in nearly all Muslim countries no matter how you slice them.

Yet, our current administration clings to the mantra that 99.9% of Muslims are good, faithful, peaceful people who reject radical Islam. There are no statistical measures to support this oft repeated claim. Even if accurate, which it is not, 0.1% of the Muslim population being radical would still amount to 160,000 radical Islamists. Not exactly the JV team, and not exactly a shrinking, contained group.

These statistics point to a significant and present radicalization in the Muslim world. Many rational Americans, Europeans, and others across the globe want this problem to be directly confronted and eradicated by whatever means necessary.

What in this discussion do you find rancid? To me, America's relative inaction against radical Islamic terrorists could be described as rancid. The slaughter of innocent civilians by Islamic jihadists cannot be sufficiently described by words. Revolting, heinous, murderous - all insufficient.

Believe it or not, my comments are not wrapped in hatred. I embrace any human who is guided by goodness, who strives to care and to love, and to make this world a better place. On redmen,com I often find myself on the opposite opinion consistently. Frequently I take it private with those people, who I always acknowledge as good, concerned people who I respect immensely who simply have a different solution to a particular problem. That preamble to civil discourse is what is missing from public dialogue today. Restoring that could be a first big step to solving many of the problems we are face with today.

What is your opinion of a draft where your kids would have to fight in this war not someone else's?

Andrew for starters this is every civilized country's war. And we are not the ones who declared it, the radical Islamists did. But we need to be at the forefront of ending it. Second the military is voluntary. When you enlist or when you are in the reserves, you know full well that you could very well be called to active duty. Being my age, I remember the Viet Nam war all to well. I lost a cousin in the war. It was a horrendous time. I do not relish the idea of putting our young men and women lives at risk by going in to take out ISIS. But what is the point of having the strongest military in the world if you are not going to use it to eliminate evil when you are left with no other choice? I would even venture a guess that you could create special units made up of only volunteers who are chomping at the bit to go in and wipe out those scum.
This thread...

so I guess that this site can't handle a thread about race and their favorite basketball team, for I remember a thread about whether or not a Black assistant should be hired being removed.

this rancid thread is allowed to grow.

I'm not exactly sure what you find rancid about this thread, which allowed members to express views about the groups that caused the worst carnage on French soil since WWII, and also about how American leaders have dealt with this growing problem. This attack came just 10 months after the Charlie Hebdo attacks. For Americans, it was a painful reminder that another 9-11 scenario is already actively being planned and that many others have been thwarted.

The Pew Research Center noted that in surveying Muslims in primarily Muslim countries, a range of 7-40% responded that suicide bombings can sometimes be justified.The lowest number came from Iraq (7%), a place where the US tried to spread democracy. The highest numbers (20-40%) came from Nigeria, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Egypt. Now that's rancid!


There are even more disturbing surveys where surprising numbers of Muslims blame the US for 9-11, and a significant number believe that the 9-11 attacks were perpetrated by the US and Israel to grow anti-Muslim hatred. Though anecdotal, I once asked a relative who teaches in a largely Muslim school district how many students believe that 9-11 was perpetrated by the US. The person quickly answered, all of them.

In Afghanistan, 99% of those surveyed favor Sharia law being the law of the land, in Pakistan 76% want Sharia Law instituted in all Muslim countries. The numbers are staggering in nearly all Muslim countries no matter how you slice them.

Yet, our current administration clings to the mantra that 99.9% of Muslims are good, faithful, peaceful people who reject radical Islam. There are no statistical measures to support this oft repeated claim. Even if accurate, which it is not, 0.1% of the Muslim population being radical would still amount to 160,000 radical Islamists. Not exactly the JV team, and not exactly a shrinking, contained group.

These statistics point to a significant and present radicalization in the Muslim world. Many rational Americans, Europeans, and others across the globe want this problem to be directly confronted and eradicated by whatever means necessary.

What in this discussion do you find rancid? To me, America's relative inaction against radical Islamic terrorists could be described as rancid. The slaughter of innocent civilians by Islamic jihadists cannot be sufficiently described by words. Revolting, heinous, murderous - all insufficient.

Believe it or not, my comments are not wrapped in hatred. I embrace any human who is guided by goodness, who strives to care and to love, and to make this world a better place. On redmen,com I often find myself on the opposite opinion consistently. Frequently I take it private with those people, who I always acknowledge as good, concerned people who I respect immensely who simply have a different solution to a particular problem. That preamble to civil discourse is what is missing from public dialogue today. Restoring that could be a first big step to solving many of the problems we are face with today.

What is your opinion of a draft where your kids would have to fight in this war not someone else's?

This is not a conventional war situation as SS&G has pointed out. This is not a war to be decided by conventional troop size and strength. This is small select special forces type warfare and we have the capability to wage it and win it within the military. What we don't have is the will in our "leaders" to do it.
Pretty easy to declare war when you have no skin in the game.

And a Special Forces War? Sounds great in a Tom Clancy novel. Problem is Isis controls half of Syria and dozens of towns.cities in Iraq. Neither Seal Team 6 nor the A-Team are going to get the job done.

No what will happen is we will overestimate our might. Have a great set of initial victories then the enemy will slowly chip at us and chip at us and it'll be 2004 all over again. Then we'll call in the National Guard because why not. Coast Guard and National Park Rangers will be next.

I figure I'll be okay in all this. May even make a killing. Just shifted most of my 401k to prosthesis makers.
Pretty easy to declare war when you have no skin in the game.

And a Special Forces War? Sounds great in a Tom Clancy novel. Problem is Isis controls half of Syria and dozens of towns.cities in Iraq. Neither Seal Team 6 nor the A-Team are going to get the job done.

No what will happen is we will overestimate our might. Have a great set of initial victories then the enemy will slowly chip at us and chip at us and it'll be 2004 all over again. Then we'll call in the National Guard because why not. Coast Guard and National Park Rangers will be next.

I figure I'll be okay in all this. May even make a killing. Just shifted most of my 401k to prosthesis makers.

Let me say the obvious:
There are no easy answers but we would like easy answers.
We might have to accept difficult answers...slow, steady effort to curtail the ISIS impact and influence. And sadly more human sacrifice.

It's not a question of whether America will participate, we already are and will. Good to see we have good solid capable company.
I see Russia and France have taken steps and you know we are involved with these activities. Informed.

I don't know much about the politics and players here, but I do know that Hitler overextended himself and alienated more nations than he had to. Poor judgment. ISIS is doing the same.
Evil force going wild, might implode.

all the best and
God bless us everyone.
Pretty easy to declare war when you have no skin in the game.

And a Special Forces War? Sounds great in a Tom Clancy novel. Problem is Isis controls half of Syria and dozens of towns.cities in Iraq. Neither Seal Team 6 nor the A-Team are going to get the job done.

No what will happen is we will overestimate our might. Have a great set of initial victories then the enemy will slowly chip at us and chip at us and it'll be 2004 all over again. Then we'll call in the National Guard because why not. Coast Guard and National Park Rangers will be next.

I figure I'll be okay in all this. May even make a killing. Just shifted most of my 401k to prosthesis makers.

Let me say the obvious:
There are no easy answers but we would like easy answers.
We might have to accept difficult answers...slow, steady effort to curtail the ISIS impact and influence. And sadly more human sacrifice.

It's not a question of whether America will participate, we already are and will. Good to see we have good solid capable company.
I see Russia and France have taken steps and you know we are involved with these activities. Informed.

I don't know much about the politics and players here, but I do know that Hitler overextended himself and alienated more nations than he had to. Poor judgment. ISIS is doing the same.
Evil force going wild, might implode.

all the best and
God bless us everyone.
I was thinking the same thing when Isis took out the Russian plane. Now they are going against Putin. They can't fight everybody.
Pretty easy to declare war when you have no skin in the game.

And a Special Forces War? Sounds great in a Tom Clancy novel. Problem is Isis controls half of Syria and dozens of towns.cities in Iraq. Neither Seal Team 6 nor the A-Team are going to get the job done.

No what will happen is we will overestimate our might. Have a great set of initial victories then the enemy will slowly chip at us and chip at us and it'll be 2004 all over again. Then we'll call in the National Guard because why not. Coast Guard and National Park Rangers will be next.

I figure I'll be okay in all this. May even make a killing. Just shifted most of my 401k to prosthesis makers.

Let me say the obvious:
There are no easy answers but we would like easy answers.
We might have to accept difficult answers...slow, steady effort to curtail the ISIS impact and influence. And sadly more human sacrifice.

It's not a question of whether America will participate, we already are and will. Good to see we have good solid capable company.
I see Russia and France have taken steps and you know we are involved with these activities. Informed.

I don't know much about the politics and players here, but I do know that Hitler overextended himself and alienated more nations than he had to. Poor judgment. ISIS is doing the same.
Evil force going wild, might implode.

all the best and
God bless us everyone.

Glad to see you post that we already are. It was typical hearing the conservatives praising the plucky French for their 20 bombs on Sunday while asking what our spectator in chief was doing while ignoring the 6,500 bombs we've dropped on Isis to stop their progress and in many areas with the help of local forces push them back. Not saying it's enough, not even saying it's the right thing, just saying . . .

PS Maher, does being an atheistidel make me a more or less likely target? I don't even know. ;)
Pretty easy to declare war when you have no skin in the game.

And a Special Forces War? Sounds great in a Tom Clancy novel. Problem is Isis controls half of Syria and dozens of towns.cities in Iraq. Neither Seal Team 6 nor the A-Team are going to get the job done.

No what will happen is we will overestimate our might. Have a great set of initial victories then the enemy will slowly chip at us and chip at us and it'll be 2004 all over again. Then we'll call in the National Guard because why not. Coast Guard and National Park Rangers will be next.

I figure I'll be okay in all this. May even make a killing. Just shifted most of my 401k to prosthesis makers.

Let me say the obvious:
There are no easy answers but we would like easy answers.
We might have to accept difficult answers...slow, steady effort to curtail the ISIS impact and influence. And sadly more human sacrifice.

It's not a question of whether America will participate, we already are and will. Good to see we have good solid capable company.
I see Russia and France have taken steps and you know we are involved with these activities. Informed.

I don't know much about the politics and players here, but I do know that Hitler overextended himself and alienated more nations than he had to. Poor judgment. ISIS is doing the same.
Evil force going wild, might implode.

all the best and
God bless us everyone.

Glad to see you post that we already are. It was typical hearing the conservatives praising the plucky French for their 20 bombs on Sunday while asking what our spectator in chief was doing while ignoring the 6,500 bombs we've dropped on Isis to stop their progress and in many areas with the help of local forces push them back. Not saying it's enough, not even saying it's the right thing, just saying . . .

PS Maher, does being an atheistidel make me a more or less likely target? I don't even know. ;)

They need to be eliminated, not contained or pushed back(if even true). just saying.

Sad, but telling

Sad, but telling
Greece should have walked off the field and not played the "friendly". But as a certain leader has said, we do not have a Muslim problem.
Most of the soldiers that were killed, wounded and maimed in Afghanistan were "volunteers". They joined the military in a time of relative peace to make a life for themselves. Many joined for an escape from poverty. I have no problem using our military when necessary but want the students at our universities fighting alongside the "volunteers in a draft which like Israel you can't get out of. Vietnam was a disaster because most people with money was able to escape the draft.

ISIS was created by the war in Iraq which was orchestrated by a Republican administration. There is no evidence that Dr. Ben Carson will no how to fight ISIS who wants to battle Americans as they wait for the end of the world.
Most of the soldiers that were killed, wounded and maimed in Afghanistan were "volunteers". They joined the military in a time of relative peace to make a life for themselves. Many joined for an escape from poverty. I have no problem using our military when necessary but want the students at our universities fighting alongside the "volunteers in a draft which like Israel you can't get out of. Vietnam was a disaster because most people with money was able to escape the draft.

ISIS was created by the war in Iraq which was orchestrated by a Republican administration. There is no evidence that Dr. Ben Carson will no how to fight ISIS who wants to battle Americans as they wait for the end of the world.

Young men and women join the military for a variety of reasons, Many are college educated. I'm sure you've heard of West Point and the Naval academy. Anyone who has joined the military over the past 15 years did not do so during a time of peace. Anyone who is in the reserves knows full well that they can be called to active duty should the need arise. Blame the republicans all you want, for the current state of affairs, but the worst terror attack that this country has ever seen was orchestrated while a Dem was in office. . While Al Queda was busy planning 9/11, Bill Clinton was to busy getting blowjobs by interns under his desk. to notice. And Al Queda morphed in to ISIS. So if you want to place blame on anyone, you might as well go back to Hillary's husband.
Most of the soldiers that were killed, wounded and maimed in Afghanistan were "volunteers". They joined the military in a time of relative peace to make a life for themselves. Many joined for an escape from poverty. I have no problem using our military when necessary but want the students at our universities fighting alongside the "volunteers in a draft which like Israel you can't get out of. Vietnam was a disaster because most people with money was able to escape the draft.

ISIS was created by the war in Iraq which was orchestrated by a Republican administration. There is no evidence that Dr. Ben Carson will no how to fight ISIS who wants to battle Americans as they wait for the end of the world.

Whatttttttttttt? When that northern alliance commander was killed by the Taliban the next day we were warned that this meant that they were coming here. Our Special forces had Bin Laden in their scope but was told to stand down (me personally I would have said that there is static and I can't hear you, and yep I would have taking the consequences.). That is why 9-11 happened. Trump will take care of ISIS.

Obama is weak.

Great Great article. Nails it.