Most of the soldiers that were killed, wounded and maimed in Afghanistan were "volunteers". They joined the military in a time of relative peace to make a life for themselves. Many joined for an escape from poverty. I have no problem using our military when necessary but want the students at our universities fighting alongside the "volunteers in a draft which like Israel you can't get out of. Vietnam was a disaster because most people with money was able to escape the draft.
ISIS was created by the war in Iraq which was orchestrated by a Republican administration. There is no evidence that Dr. Ben Carson will no how to fight ISIS who wants to battle Americans as they wait for the end of the world.
Young men and women join the military for a variety of reasons, Many are college educated. I'm sure you've heard of West Point and the Naval academy. Anyone who has joined the military over the past 15 years did not do so during a time of peace. Anyone who is in the reserves knows full well that they can be called to active duty should the need arise. Blame the republicans all you want, for the current state of affairs, but the worst terror attack that this country has ever seen was orchestrated while a Dem was in office. . While Al Queda was busy planning 9/11, Bill Clinton was to busy getting blowjobs by interns under his desk. to notice. And Al Queda morphed in to ISIS. So if you want to place blame on anyone, you might as well go back to Hillary's husband.
So I guess Bush Sr is responsible for the first World Trade Center attack which was planned and financed during his presidency. Not sure what acts he took part in but pretty sure there were no interns who wanted to volunteer to service him.