Like many I have maintained a positive optimistic approach over the years - no wait - over the decades!
Then this afternoon - whether you like him
Or not - WFAN’s Mike F said there is a rift between
the old regime and the new AD - that if he were the
Mike Cragg, he would leave because he’s not being
given a chance
to hire the coach of his choosing.
Then a blessed weekend with my daughter AND son
here in NY - both working young adults - fellow Dads know - I could not ask for more -
and together we attended a Yankee game ( a loss in the rain, not
so good )
My kids said “ Dad St. John’s stinks. You’ve been saying for years ‘ now they will be
after they hired Roberts, Jarvis, Lavin, etc Mullin...they are
no good Dad!”
Maybe my kids are right and I just want to
remain blinded to reality...
These two incidents struck home and I feel foolish,
saddened, disappointed.
I’m sad I might not have a decent local team to follow

That’s about all I have to add. My fellow posters have
more than added enough.
Is there a 12 step program to get off this site and
off the Red Storm bandwagon lol
All the best