- I have to admit I love when things like this happen. Yes, it's bad for the sad sack team I inexplicably root for one sport other than horseracing that I care at all about, but on the other hand is the delicious thrill of Schadenfreude I feel reading these threads. It's like cracking the top layer of trash at the garbage dump on a steamy August afternoon and inhaling huge breaths of the toxic slime that lies just beneath the surface. My favorite line so far has been: tough to blame Beteljuice for this one. I have to agree, it'd be hard to pin this on the assistant coach at Florida.
- Used to be when players transferred it was the fault of the incompetent staff. Now when they transfer it's because they're spineless quitters. So that's a step in the right direction, because we have a staff that recruits spineless quitters. No wait, that's not right, it's because we have a supremely competent staff that won't take guff from pampered nancy boys. That's right, I said it, pampered nancy boys. I don't care how many family members he's had murdered, he's a prima donna. And he's been a disappointment since the preseason let's face it, and 8 games is all a genyious needs to see to know whether a player is any good at all. Just like when I watched Cedric Jackson's first 8 games, I could tell he was an NBA player. So good riddance Nuri. Nice name BTW, Nuri. Good lord.
Same for those other guys Pelle and Sampson. Sure when we recruited them they were great and part of an amazing recruiting class but know what? Now that they're not here we're better off without them. They're not that good and their attitude stinks. This is addition by subtraction. Good riddance to bad rubbish. De gustibus est. Baby, bath water. And so on.
- It's been noted that we might need a scapegoat and that a good one might be Tony Chiles. I agree. His ankle's already messed up so throwing him under the bus won't do much more damage. However ultimately the blame for this falls on Sloan Kettering. If they'd removed the great and powerful prostate when the disease was first found we wouldn't be in this mess. So I'm afraid no more donations to cancer research from me until this team starts winning some games.