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Most schools make a conference move to get more television revenue, not less. But SMU just wanted a seat at the table. SMU's chairman of the board, David Miller, fired his metaphorical six-shooter in the air when he explained how the program could go without television revenue for nine years: The money didn't matter to them.

"It's a couple hundred million dollars," Miller told Yahoo. "I'm not losing sleep over it."
Did anyone see the pregame before the Michigan game today ? They went on a tour of their new team facilities in including locker room. Holy cow it was mind boggling. They have a golf simulator in it ( for the football team )
This is the mindset what we are up against when we compete against Power 5 conferences for players.
Well that's hardly worth it. Having spent my entire life in the northeast (New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts), we've never dealt with this. The schools up here here educate. We've always been surrounded by the finest schools at all levels. My kids and grandkids wouldn't know Friday night lights from Saturday Night Live,
This is the mindset what we are up against when we compete against Power 5 conferences for players.
It's the only game in town that helps attract the alums to pony up. Someone I worked with went to Oklahoma and told me about the "donations" he saw when he was working in athletic office. The good old boys would help feed the players by donating steers for the team to have the finest beef. Also donations determined seating (and being able to buy them).
Did anyone see the pregame before the Michigan game today ? They went on a tour of their new team facilities in including locker room. Holy cow it was mind boggling. They have a golf simulator in it ( for the football team )
Big deal. I heard our new facility will have 2 of these


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What a country.
Don't know travel schedule MJ, but I got to see a lot. of this country
It's the only game in town that helps attract the alums to pony up. Someone I worked with went to Oklahoma and told me about the "donations" he saw when he was working in athletic office. The good old boys would help feed the players by donating steers for the team to have the finest beef. Also donations determined seating (and being able to buy them).
Yeah, I. also noticed the importance they put on education. It's funny how you are where you grew. I grew up in the South Bronx. Friday night lights was stickball.
It's the only game in town that helps attract the alums to pony up. Someone I worked with went to Oklahoma and told me about the "donations" he saw when he was working in athletic office. The good old boys would help feed the players by donating steers for the team to have the finest beef. Also donations determined seating (and being able to buy them).
I hear you and I've met them. I pretty sure we're now ranked around 23rd in the country in education. I bring this up since I spent a good part of my life in London, where I was fortunate enough to work for a Lloyds' syndicate. They probably saw more of me than any transient American they
met as there are loads of Americans who permanently live there.They'd always ask for good stories. One of their favorites is that some kids go to school here because they are good ball players and its free.
Check this out


Most schools make a conference move to get more television revenue, not less. But SMU just wanted a seat at the table. SMU's chairman of the board, David Miller, fired his metaphorical six-shooter in the air when he explained how the program could go without television revenue for nine years: The money didn't matter to them.

"It's a couple hundred million dollars," Miller told Yahoo. "I'm not losing sleep over it."
Wouldn't you love to know how much they contribute to Danny Thomas' fund.
It's the only game in town that helps attract the alums to pony up. Someone I worked with went to Oklahoma and told me about the "donations" he saw when he was working in athletic office. The good old boys would help feed the players by donating steers for the team to have the finest beef. Also donations determined seating (and being able to buy them).
This is the mindset what we are up against when we compete against Power 5 conferences for players.
This is the mindset what we are up against when we compete against Power 5 conferences for players.
This is the most laughs I've had on a saturday in forever. Great post Panther, nice to meet you. My son-in-law is an attorney and has been talking about this topic for weeks. ( It's the only topic in Connecticut ) and judging by today's paper, Hurley should be in LA right now . See if this sounds logical. Say the state schools go their way and lay their hand down. They play some games against non-power schools, correct? Ok, for some reason they'd like to include us, as they know it would look since we're won 5 of the last 9 titles. BC is playing Dayton today. There are probably some other rivals not coming to mind right now (you can tell i watch zero football) that have Power schools playing shitty non power schools. If not can think of quite a few that ain't getting invited to the Selfish 3. What if the Selfish 3 approach only us to save face and not piss away a boatload of money since we still have some good value.
Well that's hardly worth it. Having spent my entire life in the northeast (New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts), we've never dealt with this. The schools up here here educate. We've always been surrounded by the finest schools at all levels. My kids and grandkids wouldn't know Friday night lights from Saturday Night Live,