A question I read on another fan forum site was:
"In light of N$L is it possible for a school to cheat anymore?"

Beside academic violations it is hard to come up with ways a school can get in trouble with the NCAA.
With the third-party clearing house who looks over all NIL deals over $600, they can probably get in trouble if its not legitimate.

I'd imagine they can also get in trouble for trying to do under the table payments and stuff that isn't from the cap or NIL.
Bball has started in Canada with the US college teams coming north to play exhibition games.
Yesterday my son’s McGill team lost to Air Force by 2. They had a chance to win but missed their last 2 shots.
After the game I went to talk to Air Force’s Coach Joe Scott, a Princeton Grad , who played under Pete Carill and played against Louie. After Princeton he got a law degree.
We had a great chat and he expressed what we all know that NIL has ruined the game we all love. He lost his 2 best players who were both sophomores after last season. Extremely frustrating for him and others who don’t have a large NIL war chest.
Bball has started in Canada with the US college teams coming north to play exhibition games.
Yesterday my son’s McGill team lost to Air Force by 2. They had a chance to win but missed their last 2 shots.
After the game I went to talk to Air Force’s Coach Joe Scott, a Princeton Grad , who played under Pete Carill and played against Louie. After Princeton he got a law degree.
We had a great chat and he expressed what we all know that NIL has ruined the game we all love. He lost his 2 best players who were both sophomores after last season. Extremely frustrating for him and others who don’t have a large NIL war chest.
I call bs. I've seen the DOD budget. 😉
He also donates to UCF Athletics and probably assists in their NIL efforts which could include football.
It's true that when Repole established residency in Florida he began supporting ucf athletics, one and only one SJU administrator kept the lines of communication open for four years, exchanging warm texts and calls. That person is no longer the AD and although the Pitino hire brought Repole back, it was that one relationship maintained that made his support of NIL a lot easier.
It's true that when Repole established residency in Florida he began supporting ucf athletics, one and only one SJU administrator kept the lines of communication open for four years, exchanging warm texts and calls. That person is no longer the AD and although the Pitino hire brought Repole back, it was that one relationship maintained that made his support of NIL a lot easier.
Where in Florida does Pitino reside?