[quote="Class of 72" post=280949][quote="MJDinkins" post=280942][quote="Beast of the East" post=280926][quote="Class of 72" post=280891][quote="Beast of the East" post=280819][quote="Class of 72" post=280817][quote="Beast of the East" post=280812][quote="Mike Zaun" post=280808][quote="Delaware" post=280787][quote="Class of 72" post=280771][quote="Chicago Days" post=280769][quote="Danny Noonan" post=280768]Apparently Manute Bol namied one of his sons...... CHRIS MULLIN BOL. - per Fran Fraschilla twitter. This is real.[/quote]
Can we sign him?[/quote]
Did Mullin expend any energy on Bol Bol?[/quote]
Does Mullin expend any energy on any recruit? That's what everyone wants to know.[/quote]
And if no or not much is the answer, then the administration needs to grow a pair and tell him that he was hired to be the face of the program. Being the face means making appearances and being front and freaking center. If he's being arrogant, he needs to be humbled. I don't care who you are, no one is bigger than our program as a whole. If administration knows the right moves to make and he's refusing, go back to Cali. We will still love you of course, but coaching was a failure. You can do both.[/quote]
I understand your passion, and appreciated your re-entry apology, but why are your posts tinged with so much damned negative speculation? If that's your love letter to Mullin, I'd hate to see how you treat your significant other, if there is one.
I love our current AD, but like Monasch with Lavin, I don't see Mullin as taking much direction from him.
All of this nonsense about Mullin is just that - nonsense. College basketball is results driven. If he doesn't lift a finger and his phone rang with 5 star recruits wanting to come here, and we won 30 games per season, I wouldnt care if he spent his entire life on the scorer's table. Conversely, if he is working 24 hours per day and we still lose, that doesn't matter either. There has been a positive progression year to year so far. Let's see what year 4 brings before speculating gloom and doom and his banishment based on a poor season. Has there been a single post about an extension if we make the dance? No, and rightfully so. The same holds true for posting about getting rid of him next season if such and such doesn't happen.[/quote]
We love your split personality Beast.
Mike is always consistent. He could easily ask you "but why are your posts tinged with so much damned positive speculation".
When you say "Conversely, if he is working 24 hours per day and we still lose, that doesn't matter either" is more troubling than what Mike has ever said. It paints all fans as uninvolved victims of circumstance. This program only exists because of the fans. This fan site only exists because of the fans. When we totally give up and the arena is half empty and this forum is only mods who never post then it's time to become a Villanova fan. Oh wait, you may have already moved on.

I haven't moved on, but certainly the money I paid in tuition to Nova has. Well spent though, if tuition can possibly be.
Well considering that many if not most of the posters here are not season ticket holders, I don't know about your case. But whether fans are involved in narrative or not, it doesn't really affect wins and losses, save for cheering fans at home games, which can impact outcomes.
I don't understand your point. All I'm saying is that the only thing that matters is results. Speculating on how hard Mullin works, how smart he is, which bakers are his friends, means nothing to me. You seem to be interested in all those things that tinge your judgment. As per Mike's consistency, it is exactly that consistency that got him banished and you relegated to the rookie rookie, the oldest rookie since Robert Redford in the Natural.

If speculating how hard Mullin works, which restaurants he goes to, and what a dunce Mullin is, means nothing to you then why did it mean so much to you and others with Steve Lavin? That is the split personality in many here, not just you. Those things didn't bother me in the least. In fact with Lav, St. John's gladly subsidized his SoHo apartment. The Maven gladly broke bread with him at the finest restaurants with the ubiquitous wine glass in his hand. While you say that only the record counts and you are optimistic then I would hate to see the pessimistic side of you. The record SUCKS and where Mullin ate or whether he is smarter than Lavin are irrelevant.
Joe, Mike or whatever his name is got banned for being redundant with his views. I got demoted for continually telling Baldi, an Iona Troll, to go Fck himself.
So, if a poster gets banned for consistently repeating himself then SlyFox should have been banned years ago. If consistently speaking from both sides of one's mouth were an offense then you should have joined me for a year of R&R in the rookie forum. I could have used the company.

Great response. If you could go backwards, I ALWAYS posted that I didn't give a crap about where he ate, and said the same things about speculation about how hard he worked. I also was in the camp that said he should be retained. I think you don't read me close enough, and I don't blame you. I've also said that before Lavin people thought this program was dead and should drop out of the Big East - he revived it. I also agree though that he didn't do quite enough to elevate the team after initial success, but that he gets credit for putting a competitive team on the floor each year he coached. I'm not an anti-Lavin guy at all. If that isn't clear, then it should be now.[/quote]
Yeah, you're right about a few others, '72, as they couldn't stop slinging mud on Lavin (the majority of it was simply petty and personal BS). But, I can vouch for Beast, as he wasn't in that particular camp.[/quote]
I love to joust with the great Beast. He knows I'm a ball breaker. All the others know who they are and one even had his own Web Bog to express his disdain. How ironic that some of those are now the staunchest defenders of the worst 3 year record of the modern era.
If I recall Beast, Tom, me and a few others wanted Lavin's contract renewed because it was killing us in recruiting battles where opposing recruiters were all saying he did not have the support of the school. It worked and we lost recruits we should have signed because of it.
Seriously, I hope Mullin comes out of his protective shell and recruits his butt off and if Matt delivers a backup to Keita, next season should be fine imo. That may sway a couple of 19 recruits.[/quote]
I know I'm biased for Mullin, but its not blind faith, just faith in him as a person who knows basketball and has an athletes competitive spirit to be the best.
I also remember Parcells ending the quarterback controversy after Jeff Hoffstetler led the Giants to a Super Bowl victory after Phil Simms broke his foot. "Phil Simms is one of my guys and I'm loyal to my guys". Right decision. End of story.
Mullin is just one of my guys. If anyone ever earned the right to learn on the job at St. John's, it's Chris Mullin. If I ever thought as you do, that he is dogging it, cashing a paycheck, lazy, I may change my opinion. Till then, no.
And yea, you are a good guy. But I would never disclose private message subject matter unless there was really a good reason to. But I think you apologized for that. So we are good, unless is happens again. Then you live close enough to the Bergen Hunt and Fish club to drop a dime on you.