Mike Anderson - Former Coach

Oops, just scrolled back and saw it. Mea culpa.
I do think he's coming though. 😁

But I would never tell anyone not to think that I'm being ridiculous. The idea of him coming here apparently seemed way more ridiculous up until very recently, though.
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You seem to aspire to Norm level standards with the foolish comment you made about wishing Anderson would still be around.

I’m sure reading comprehension isn’t your finest attribute but I never stated I wanted Coach Anderson to still be around. Please reread my comment including the 😂 and let me know if I need to break each word down for you 👍🏻
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I’m sure reading comprehension isn’t your finest attribute but I never stated I wanted Coach Anderson to still be around. Please reread my comment including the 😂 and let me know if I need to break each word down for you 👍🏻
Ah yes an insult coming from you. I guess I should take that as a compliment considering your limitations. You stated”

Yup, 3 years from now we could be longing for the CMA years when we had a winning record 😂

Obviously you are satisfied with a low bar. But since you don’t seem to remember what you posted may I suggested some exercises for early onset Alzheimer’s. 😂👍
Ah yes an insult coming from you. I guess I should take that as a compliment considering your limitations. You stated”

Yup, 3 years from now we could be longing for the CMA years when we had a winning record 😂

Obviously you are satisfied with a low bar. But since you don’t seem to remember what you posted may I suggested some exercises for early onset Alzheimer’s. 😂👍

Lol okay let’s go word for word so you understand:

Yup, 3 years from now we could (if next coach fails) be longing for the CMA years (nothing special) when we had a winning record 😂 (joking)

Please, please say you understand 🙏
Lol okay let’s go word for word so you understand:

Yup, 3 years from now we could (if next coach fails) be longing for the CMA years (nothing special) when we had a winning record 😂 (joking)

Please, please say you understand 🙏
I’ll try to make this simple for you. By making that type of statement even in jest, that anyone would be hoping for a return of a guy that made no tourney in 4 years, you are basically stating that things were not that bad with Anderson with his winning (hahah) record. I mentioned Norm cause he too had no tourney appearances so his overall performance was similar.
I’ll try to make this simple for you. By making that type of statement even in jest, that anyone would be hoping for a return of a guy that made no tourney in 4 years, you are basically stating that things were not that bad with Anderson with his winning (hahah) record. I mentioned Norm cause he too had no tourney appearances so his overall performance was similar.
Johnny, he made a joke. Think that is allowed
Johnny, he made a joke. Think that is allowed
I find his lack of a sense of humor disturbing.
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