Mike Anderson - Former Coach

I am just breaking your chops, except about Brey. To me he is just uninspiring, unimaginative, and underwhelming.

We will be probably be back here in another four years throwing around a bunch of names to replace Anderson part deux.
Generally root against ND but always thought they were well coached and executed well. Basically the exact opposite of us. Could be talked into Langel.
Would ride with Claxton but would expect growing pains.
See I don’t love Mack
And what exactly happened with him at Louisville?
Perhaps similar to Brey, ACC was less of a fit. Even still he never had a losing record in conference play. Was going to be a top 3 seed the year tourney got cancelled. And look at Louisville this year without him.
I have waited to the end of the season to give any opinion on Pitino. I don't like him on a moral level. I wish we were in the position to hire Claxton or maybe Langel or some other developing coach but we are not. I believe Pitino is our best shot. Being a St. John's fan of many years I instinctively believe we won't get him but we should.
Didn’t him and Mullin have beef?
Could be talked into Langel.
I think he had beef with everyone. And I could get over that if he’s our guy.

Re Langel I edited it before you quoted it. 1st in country in 3pt%.
9th in country in 2fg%
3rd in assists
top 20 fewest TO’s.
First fact: SJU has not gotten past the Big East Tournament quarterfinals since the year 2000.

Second fact: Which BTW has to be filed under impossible yet true. In the four Big East Tournament Quarterfinal games under Coach Mike Anderson, SJU outscored their opponents in regulation time play 226 to 224 yet never won a single game.

Only a team that has some kind of a voodoo curse on it could have that happen. Of course the realist in me says there are no voodoo curses and it just took a pandemic and a whole set of other bizarre circumstances to have this come to fruition.
So they were ahead at the end of regulation but just decided to play overtime and lost. OK
They are counting the lead SJU had vs Creighton at halftime before the game was called in 2020 when everything was shut down.
So do the math now, SJU up 3 at halftime on Creighton. The 2021 game vs SHU went to OT so that was tie in regulation, 2022 loss to Nova by 1, 2023 OT vs Marquette. So 4 games not including OT and only including 1/2 vs Creighton nets out to SJU+2.
Late February wasn't that long ago. And I was told some potentially bad news tonight that could indicate that CMA possibly knew, and that the kids knew: Storr's family has apparently expressed their intent to transfer if Van is not retained.

There has also been some slight speculation on the board that Gardner would being moving on. Was told tonight that this is true if Macon is let go.

Seems to me Rick will have a decision to make.
If Pitino isn’t coming, rather than Speedy, how about giving Van the job?
If Pitino isn’t coming, rather than Speedy, how about giving Van the job?
I would go with Speedy. Too dire a situation to hand over to a guy who hasn't been a head coach at this level regardless of his years as an assistant. But I've heard search focused squarely on old guys. Hopefully not 100 percent accurate because after Pitino I want young guys on list.
So do the math now, SJU up 3 at halftime on Creighton. The 2021 game vs SHU went to OT so that was tie in regulation, 2022 loss to Nova by 1, 2023 OT vs Marquette. So 4 games not including OT and only including 1/2 vs Creighton nets out to SJU+2.
I'm still calling it BS! :ROFLMAO: JK But actually the half game doesn't count as a game and stats didn't count.
I would go with Speedy. Too dire a situation to hand over to a guy who hasn't been a head coach at this level regardless of his years as an assistant. But I've heard search focused squarely on old guys. Hopefully not 100 percent accurate because after Pitino I want young guys on list.
It's taken me a while to come around to Pitino, but I'm there. My preference in order:
Mack (seems very unlikely)
Turgeon (also seems unlikely)
I'd be disappointed if it's any of the other names mentioned (not counting Holtman because I think his job is looking safer)
I'd be disappointed if it's any of the other names mentioned (not counting Holtman because I think his job is looking safer)
Now's the time for him to jump to ND if offered, I think. If fans (which I also assume means boosters) had the carving knives out for you two weeks ago, it's time to stay ahead of the posse and start another six-year clock fresh. I assume OSU pays more than ND though.