Mike Anderson - Former Coach

If Mike Brey is our coach, that would be a tremendous disappointment.
I had season tickets for years when Brey was at Delaware. He had trouble landing big men but always had shooters. He parlayed that into the Notre Dame contract.

I think he had initial success there, but tougher to recruit there because of academics. St Johns would be easier to recruit, but I think we should pass.
St Johns would be easier to recruit, but I think we should pass.
Plus I think he'd be inclined to keep Macon since his current assistants probably don't have the same connections in our traditional recruiting grounds. But yes, hope he's not the guy.
Assuming Pitino is top choice and Brey is number two that leaves a gulf about the size of the Grand Canyon between number one and number two.
For those in the know, is there any mention of Chris Mack should Pitino not materialize?
Not hearing anything about Mack
I would be fine with Speedy but figure would take at least 3 years for him to get us to respectability and many on here wouldn’t be ok with that. Which is pretty ironic considering the program has been a mess for over 20 years.
Quick fixes and Hail Mary’s don’t work.
WRT Coach, keep it clean and respectful.

Whatever you think of his time here he did nothing to embarrass the school, gave it some solid moments and represented the school and program with integrity.

When he is dismissed he deserves our thanks and respect.

Yup, 3 years from now we could be longing for the CMA years when we had a winning record 😂