Mike Anderson - Former Coach

we have the 4th largest endowment in the big east, we are beggars because we chose to me.

Quick accept 100 more tuition paying students at 46k annually. The marginal cost of adding a student must be minimal. With each payment of that tuition you get a little note from the fans, 3.5M of your added tuition went to your mbb coach. The other 1.1M went somehow to NIL money. Shhhh don’t tell.
See watching this program for 30 years I never would have guessed it was well endowed.
Let’s try to keep things at a bit higher level than veering off into the land of “well endowed” jokes.
How unprecedented is it for a coach to negotiate a more reasonable buyout because they feel guilty about doing an awful job and setting the program back, all while already pocketing millions?
Anderson has nothing to be guilty about. He’s a guy who took a job and tried to make it work. After 2 years on the job, his employer went off the deep end and offered him a long-term extension he couldn’t refuse. He by all appearances has made a good faith effort to succeed. He does not owe SJU a dime.
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Anderson has nothing to be guilty about. He’s a guy who took a job and tried to make it work. After 2 years on the job, his employer went off the deep end and offered him a long-term extension he couldn’t refuse. He by all appearances has made a good faith effort to succeed. He does not owe SJU a dime.
Who gives a flying F what the guy feels or doesn't feel, just make a deal with his agent and get him the hell outta here so we can move forward as a program. Right now we're no place going nowhere and being lead by noone.
Who gives a flying F what the guy feels or doesn't feel, just make a deal with his agent and get him the hell outta here so we can move forward as a program. Right now we're no place going nowhere and being lead by noone.
Playing Devils Advocate:
No one expects anything from the program.
Nationally Anderson has a decent reputation and a decent resume. He can ride this out and just try to keep the never had losing record thing going. Considering he will never get a similar contract, why would he leave any $ on the table?
If he goes 17-15 every year the Tim Brando’s of the world would think he is doing fine.
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Playing Devils Advocate:
No one expects anything from the program.
Nationally Anderson has a decent reputation and a decent resume. He can ride this out and just try to keep the never had losing record thing going. Considering he will never get a similar contract, why would he leave any $ on the table?
If he goes 17-15 every year the Tim Brando’s of the world would think he is doing fine.
No one wants to work for an employer who doesn't want them, and in the case of a coach, a fan base who doesn't want them. No one wants to stay in a job where they are so clearly failing based on the expectations. The right thing for all parties involved are to try to come to some sort of amicable settlement.

No one wants to work for an employer who doesn't want them, and in the case of a coach, a fan base who doesn't want them. No one wants to stay in a job where they are so clearly failing based on the expectations. The right thing for all parties involved are to try to come to some sort of amicable settlement.
I don’t want him, just saying
Who gives a flying F what the guy feels or doesn't feel, just make a deal with his agent and get him the hell outta here so we can move forward as a program. Right now we're no place going nowhere and being lead by noone.
Again, there is no need from Anderson's perspective to "make a deal with his agent and get him the hell outta here." They already made that deal when the contract was extended. If I'm Anderson's agent, I am now saying "Go ahead, make my day."
Again, there is no need from Anderson's perspective to "make a deal with his agent and get him the hell outta here." They already made that deal when the contract was extended. If I'm Anderson's agent, I am now saying "Go ahead, make my day."
I agree that there's no need, and I agree that he and Sexton have SJU over a barrel, what I don't agree with is that if there a mutual desire to part ways, that CMA and his agent won't give in(to some degree) to come to an agreement that works for both parties. It's like when there's a bad marriage that both parties want out of.
I agree that there's no need, and I agree that he and Sexton have SJU over a barrel, what I don't agree with is that if there a mutual desire to part ways, that CMA and his agent won't give in(to some degree) to come to an agreement that works for both parties. It's like when there's a bad marriage that both parties want out of.
Unless you really think Anderson is going to get another decent job, what is his motivation?
Listen unfortunately I don’t think the buyout is going to be an issue because I don’t think the next coach will be someone that breaks the bank anyway.
Unless you really think Anderson is going to get another decent job, what is his motivation?
Listen unfortunately I don’t think the buyout is going to be an issue because I don’t think the next coach will be someone that breaks the bank anyway.
Let's just say he's owed 10 Mil over 6 more years. Offer him 5 or 6 Mil now to leave. Then he gets out of a job where he's not wanted and may not want to be, and gets to kick back and do nothing. I don't know the actual numbers, but it's just an example.
Unless you really think Anderson is going to get another decent job, what is his motivation?
Listen unfortunately I don’t think the buyout is going to be an issue because I don’t think the next coach will be someone that breaks the bank anyway.
Could his motivation not be to not have to work 12 months out of the year in a place that doesn’t want him while instead still getting 75-80% of what he would make not having to work?

Plus like you’ve mentioned plenty, he’s still got his .500 or better streak in tact.
I guess I am confused as to why you think Anderson would even “try to reach a deal” when he already has a very lucrative contract in place. But whatever rocks your boat.
I guess I am confused as to why you think Anderson would even “try to reach a deal” when he already has a very lucrative contract in place. But whatever rocks your boat.
Could his motivation not be to not have to work 12 months out of the year in a place that doesn’t want him while instead still getting 75-80% of what he would make not having to work?
Let's just say he's owed 10 Mil over 6 more years. Offer him 5 or 6 Mil now to leave. Then he gets out of a job where he's not wanted and may not want to be, and gets to kick back and do nothing. I don't know the actual numbers, but it's just an example.
That makes sense to you and me because we are ST John’s fans and want gone.
If he does get fired I bet takes every last $ owed him.
Again what would be the scenario?
St John’s- let’s talk buyout
Anderson-ok give me what you owe
St John’s- no you are doing terrible
Anderson- Good point now give me my $
Anderson has nothing to be guilty about. He’s a guy who took a job and tried to make it work. After 2 years on the job, his employer went off the deep end and offered him a long-term extension he couldn’t refuse. He by all appearances has made a good faith effort to succeed. He does not owe SJU a dime.
I agree from a legal perspective he's in the clear, and most people would thus take the money and run, but he knows he did a terrible job here and is undeserving of continuing as our coach. As I alluded to at the start of my message, none of that matters and I'm sure he'll get the maximum he's able to (which may be 100%). Was just asking if a coach ever sought out a more reasonable buyout knowing they were doing a mediocre job and to ease public pressure, but I assume the answer is no.