Mike Anderson - Former Coach

The Pope just confirmed that in the eyes of the Catholic Church, homosexuality is a sin. Wonder how the priests(most of whom are gay), and the priests on the BOT, feel about that? Just more F'in hypocrisy.

Come in Monte, the way you are talking you would think that a former priest/school president had a boy toy….. oh wait.
I’m sure there are employees of “questionable character” who hold prominent positions at SJU. We know of a few from the past who were not fired. And who are you, or anyone at SJU, to determine who is a person of “questionable character” and who is not? I’m sure many of us, including you, have made poor decisions in our lives that we regret and yet that doesn’t make us people of “questionable character.”
But it might.
So, for the people worried about St Johns "reputation"... I promise you that literally no one will care if we hire Pitino. Maybe .00001% of people will look at SJU differently. The rest of the world will continue to live their lives not thinking about St Johns unless they show up in March Madness at some point.
If it's the sex scandal that certain posters are worried will smear the school's reputation, it happened years before Harrington was seemingly forced into the witness protection program by the school. The Chang scandal was way worse than Pitino's table escapade.

If people want to complain about recruiting scandal, that's more recent. But the NCAA cleared him, right?
If it's the sex scandal that certain posters are worried will smear the school's reputation, it happened years before Harrington was seemingly forced into the witness protection program by the school. The Chang scandal was way worse than Pitino's table escapade.

If people want to complain about recruiting scandal, that's more recent. But the NCAA cleared him, right?
But the school isn’t potentially hiring Harrington or Chang after their scandals.
Fuchsia, don't waste your time responding to this, or similar. There are a large number of people on the board who are only concerned about the basketball team, and not the school per se, and so will never understand what you (or I) are talking about when we speak about why Pitino is not suitable. They just want to win basketball games. I understand that, but the disconnect will never make them understand the other point of view. Or never care about it. They think we're just old puritanical prudes who are not in touch with reality. Thus, the misguided and irrelevant references to Harrington. We can't understand how they don't understand the bigger picture. No bridging that gap.

In the end, it is up to the BOT and University President to decide. I hope that they do hire a new coach, as I have seen enough. Andeson is a nice guy, great example for the young men on the team, but the game has passed him by. I have outlined in the past my opinion as to why past boards would not go there (Pitino) and that may still be the case, or it may not be. I do not know the views of the current make-up of the board (or majority of them). Suffice it to say that in the past the reputation of the university was a broader concept to the majority of the board than that of some posters here. Whether the current board will place winning at all costs above the overall university image and reputation remains to be seen.
I appreciate your well thought out and intelligent response. But it will fall on the deaf ears of 95% of the self-absorber, self-important posters on this site. I don't know what decision the school will make regarding who will be coaching our team next year, and frankly I could care less. I only worry about things that I can control, and deciding whether to fire Coach Anderson and hire a new coach is not one of them. It is decision for the powers to be at St. John's to make. Whether they make a good decision or a bad decision, it is their decision to make and nobody and I mean nobody on this site is going to make any impact on their decision. As for the fools that root for us to lose games, and want to boycott supporting the team, well you are the epitome of losers. But go ahead knock yourselves out and continue to beg for a coach who may no longer be worthy of a major college coaching position. But should Pitino be chosen by St. John's, I will continue to root for and support him and the team.
Oh please. get off your high horse. It is you who are not getting the bigger picture. There is nothing wrong with having a strong basketball program and a coach who yes, has made mistakes but has clearly atoned. Your "holier than thou" posts are tiresome. You can have a winning program and still maintain the reputation of a university. I'm sure Iona and Xavier would disagree with your assessment that they have sacrificed their schools' reputations to win at all costs. And by the way, the references to Harrington are far from misguided and irrelevant. I would not be surprised if you were one of Harrington's supporters even after all the news came out about what he was doing. Did the reputation of the university matter to you then?
The only one on a high horse is you. How do you know the level of mistakes Pitino has made. I don't. How do you know he has clearly atoned. I don't. Who are you to determine where the line is drawn between having a winning program and maintaining the reputation of a university. Whether or not other universities have sacrificed their school reputation to win at all costs, it is obvious that you would be fine if St. John's did. The references to Harrington are totally misguided and irrelevant to this discussion unless you are writing an essay on the impact of past school presidents on the university. Who are you to accuse anyone of being a supporter of Harrington. You don't know. I can assure you that people who care about the university's reputation now also cared about it when Harrington was president. You just make stuff up. Actually you don't know anything. You are a big windbag spewing you hatred of the university and Catholicism and making the basketball program your god.
The only one on a high horse is you. How do you know the level of mistakes Pitino has made. I don't. How do you know he has clearly atoned. I don't. Who are you to determine where the line is drawn between having a winning program and maintaining the reputation of a university. Whether or not other universities have sacrificed their school reputation to win at all costs, it is obvious that you would be fine if St. John's did. The references to Harrington are totally misguided and irrelevant to this discussion unless you are writing an essay on the impact of past school presidents on the university. Who are you to accuse anyone of being a supporter of Harrington. You don't know. I can assure you that people who care about the university's reputation now also cared about it when Harrington was president. You just make stuff up. Actually you don't know anything. You are a big windbag spewing you hatred of the university and Catholicism and making the basketball program your god.
Yeah. OK. Thanks for the lecture. :rolleyes:
They sure as hell let it go on a while though, didn't they?
I agree. They stole large amounts of money from the university over an extended period of time. Funding which was raised for any number of improvements.

What Pitino did to the reputation of a basketball program does not compare. Louisville for example, had to take down their banners and probably had to give some money back.

But the money the school made in merchandising, fundraising, and increased student enrollment more than made up for any penalties.

I am fairly confident a good portion of that money was used to improve the university.

Besides, if Pitino comes here, the there will be a stark increase jn media attention. Pitino will be under a microscope, and every move will be scrutinized.

Also, you know there will be a BE coach or two (and we guess who) who will casually plant a seed of condescending dismay over Pitino, even though the BE welcomed back a cheat with open arms.
Yeah. OK. Thanks for the lecture. :rolleyes:
Maybe it's because I consider myself a highly imperfect human being(as opposed to the holier then thou posters on this board), that I have no issue with hiring Pitino at this juncture. When I say "at this juncture", it's because I was not on board with hiring him last time around. But he has done his penance-and at another CATHOLIC school-so I see no logical reason for SJU not hiring him for moral/ethical reasons.
I agree. They stole large amounts of money from the university over an extended period of time. Funding which was raised for any number of improvements.

What Pitino did to the reputation of a basketball program does not compare. Louisville for example, had to take down their banners and probably had to give some money back.

But the money the school made in merchandising, fundraising, and increased student enrollment more than made up for any penalties.

I am fairly confident a good portion of that money was used to improve the university.

Besides, if Pitino comes here, the there will be a stark increase jn media attention. Pitino will be under a microscope, and every move will be scrutinized.

Also, you know there will be a BE coach or two (and we guess who) who will casually plant a seed of condescending dismay over Pitino, even though the BE welcomed back a cheat with open arms.
He wouldn't be the first past cheat to be welcomed back to the big east with open arms, and guaranteed he won't be the last. Look, this is the arena that we're playing in; in college basketball, and more specifically in the Big East and amongst other Catholic Schools. College basketball is an unethical business, no matter how hard SJU and some of our posters try to make it seem like is. We need to compete on the same playing field as other schools. At the very least, as other Catholic Schools. "Forgiveness and redemption" was always a staple of the teachings that I received in my 12 years at Catholic schools, including my 4 years at SJU. Which is one of the reasons why I keep using the word "hypocrite".
Some of you guys really make me laugh when you talk about what will happen to the school's "reputation" if Pitino were to be hired. You guys really think that anyone who doesn't follow college basketball even knows who Pitino is??? And you guys really think that the large majority of people who know who Rick Pitino is are going to be appalled if we hire him??? No, the large majority of people who know who Rick Pitino is are going to be saying "holy crap, SJU just landed one of the greatest coaches of all time. They're back!!!". It's a very small minority of people who are hung up on all the other stuff. I'm just hoping the small minority doesn't including a couple of guys named Shanley and Cragg, and not to many of the BOT.
He wouldn't be the first past cheat to be welcomed back to the big east with open arms, and guaranteed he won't be the last. Look, this is the arena that we're playing in; in college basketball, and more specifically in the Big East and amongst other Catholic Schools. College basketball is an unethical business, no matter how hard SJU and some of our posters try to make it seem like is. We need to compete on the same playing field as other schools. At the very least, as other Catholic Schools. "Forgiveness and redemption" was always a staple of the teachings that I received in my 12 years at Catholic schools, including my 4 years at SJU. Which is one of the reasons why I keep using the word "hypocrite".
Basketball is an unethical business that’s for sure. But none of the other hires by BE schools are similar to possibly hiring Pitino. Yes the unethical recruiting practices might be the same but Pitino does have some additional baggage that goes against some moral values that some might have. To say their values are wrong because the majority wants to hire a great basketball coach doesn’t make sense to me. Sure all can forgive him but that doesn’t mean he should be hired.