Fuchsia, don't waste your time responding to this, or similar. There are a large number of people on the board who are only concerned about the basketball team, and not the school per se, and so will never understand what you (or I) are talking about when we speak about why Pitino is not suitable. They just want to win basketball games. I understand that, but the disconnect will never make them understand the other point of view. Or never care about it. They think we're just old puritanical prudes who are not in touch with reality. Thus, the misguided and irrelevant references to Harrington. We can't understand how they don't understand the bigger picture. No bridging that gap.
In the end, it is up to the BOT and University President to decide. I hope that they do hire a new coach, as I have seen enough. Andeson is a nice guy, great example for the young men on the team, but the game has passed him by. I have outlined in the past my opinion as to why past boards would not go there (Pitino) and that may still be the case, or it may not be. I do not know the views of the current make-up of the board (or majority of them). Suffice it to say that in the past the reputation of the university was a broader concept to the majority of the board than that of some posters here. Whether the current board will place winning at all costs above the overall university image and reputation remains to be seen.