Mike Anderson - Former Coach

It raises the question of putting someone of questionable character in a position of prominence at the University from which many of us have degrees. It does not ban forgiveness but suggests that we keep that person of questionable character away from positions where his name will be continually associated with St. John's in the press and in the public mind.
I’m sure there are employees of “questionable character” who hold prominent positions at SJU. We know of a few from the past who were not fired. And who are you, or anyone at SJU, to determine who is a person of “questionable character” and who is not? I’m sure many of us, including you, have made poor decisions in our lives that we regret and yet that doesn’t make us people of “questionable character.”
It raises the question of putting someone of questionable character in a position of prominence at the University from which many of us have degrees. It does not ban forgiveness but suggests that we keep that person of questionable character away from positions where his name will be continually associated with St. John's in the press and in the public mind.
I’m sure there are employees of “questionable character” who hold prominent positions at SJU. We know of a few from the past who were not fired. And who are you, or anyone at SJU, to determine who is a person of “questionable character” and who is not? I’m sure many of us, including you, have made poor decisions in our lives that we regret and yet that doesn’t make us people of “questionable character.”
Fuchsia, don't waste your time responding to this, or similar. There are a large number of people on the board who are only concerned about the basketball team, and not the school per se, and so will never understand what you (or I) are talking about when we speak about why Pitino is not suitable. They just want to win basketball games. I understand that, but the disconnect will never make them understand the other point of view. Or never care about it. They think we're just old puritanical prudes who are not in touch with reality. Thus, the misguided and irrelevant references to Harrington. We can't understand how they don't understand the bigger picture. No bridging that gap.

In the end, it is up to the BOT and University President to decide. I hope that they do hire a new coach, as I have seen enough. Andeson is a nice guy, great example for the young men on the team, but the game has passed him by. I have outlined in the past my opinion as to why past boards would not go there (Pitino) and that may still be the case, or it may not be. I do not know the views of the current make-up of the board (or majority of them). Suffice it to say that in the past the reputation of the university was a broader concept to the majority of the board than that of some posters here. Whether the current board will place winning at all costs above the overall university image and reputation remains to be seen.
Fuchsia, don't waste your time responding to this, or similar. There are a large number of people on the board who are only concerned about the basketball team, and not the school per se, and so will never understand what you (or I) are talking about when we speak about why Pitino is not suitable. They just want to win basketball games. I understand that, but the disconnect will never make them understand the other point of view. Or never care about it. They think we're just old puritanical prudes who are not in touch with reality. Thus, the misguided and irrelevant references to Harrington. We can't understand how they don't understand the bigger picture. No bridging that gap.

In the end, it is up to the BOT and University President to decide. I hope that they do hire a new coach, as I have seen enough. Andeson is a nice guy, great example for the young men on the team, but the game has passed him by. I have outlined in the past my opinion as to why past boards would not go there (Pitino) and that may still be the case, or it may not be. I do not know the views of the current make-up of the board (or majority of them). Suffice it to say that in the past the reputation of the university was a broader concept to the majority of the board than that of some posters here. Whether the current board will place winning at all costs above the overall university image and reputation remains to be seen.
Oh please. get off your high horse. It is you who are not getting the bigger picture. There is nothing wrong with having a strong basketball program and a coach who yes, has made mistakes but has clearly atoned. Your "holier than thou" posts are tiresome. You can have a winning program and still maintain the reputation of a university. I'm sure Iona and Xavier would disagree with your assessment that they have sacrificed their schools' reputations to win at all costs. And by the way, the references to Harrington are far from misguided and irrelevant. I would not be surprised if you were one of Harrington's supporters even after all the news came out about what he was doing. Did the reputation of the university matter to you then?
Oh please. get off your high horse. It is you who are not getting the bigger picture. There is nothing wrong with having a strong basketball program and a coach who yes, has made mistakes but has clearly atoned. Your "holier than thou" posts are tiresome. You can have a winning program and still maintain the reputation of a university. I'm sure Iona and Xavier would disagree with your assessment that they have sacrificed their schools' reputations to win at all costs. And by the way, the references to Harrington are far from misguided and irrelevant. I would not be surprised if you were one of Harrington's supporters even after all the news came out about what he was doing. Did the reputation of the university matter to you then?
One thing I will say about this re Pitino and his reputation:

people don't care as much as some think they do. And when I say that, I am referring to anything.

The world moves too fast nowadays. With social media and instant gratification, nothing is a big deal for more than a couple days.

So, for the people worried about St Johns "reputation"... I promise you that literally no one will care if we hire Pitino. Maybe .00001% of people will look at SJU differently. The rest of the world will continue to live their lives not thinking about St Johns unless they show up in March Madness at some point.

And hey, if your personal values don't allow you to root for the program with Pitino at the helm, then that is your prerogative. But I have my doubts that any lifelong St Johns fans is actually gonna stop watching the games just because Rick Pitino is involved. But hey if you stick to your guns and stay away, then thats fine too
One thing I will say about this re Pitino and his reputation:

people don't care as much as some think they do. And when I say that, I am referring to anything.

The world moves too fast nowadays. With social media and instant gratification, nothing is a big deal for more than a couple days.

So, for the people worried about St Johns "reputation"... I promise you that literally no one will care if we hire Pitino. Maybe .00001% of people will look at SJU differently. The rest of the world will continue to live their lives not thinking about St Johns unless they show up in March Madness at some point.
Without getting into the Pitino issue at all, Jack's larger point is very sad to the extent it is true and I think there is a fair amount of truth in it.
Oh please. get off your high horse. It is you who are not getting the bigger picture. There is nothing wrong with having a strong basketball program and a coach who yes, has made mistakes but has clearly atoned. Your "holier than thou" posts are tiresome. You can have a winning program and still maintain the reputation of a university. I'm sure Iona and Xavier would disagree with your assessment that they have sacrificed their schools' reputations to win at all costs. And by the way, the references to Harrington are far from misguided and irrelevant. I would not be surprised if you were one of Harrington's supporters even after all the news came out about what he was doing. Did the reputation of the university matter to you then?
I find it interesting that both SJU and GT have both recently brought people in to the fold who were charged and convicted of killing someone, and yet some are still questioning whether Pitino should be hired by a Catholic University for moral and ethical reasons. Stop with the F'in hypocrisy!!!
One thing I will say about this re Pitino and his reputation:

people don't care as much as some think they do. And when I say that, I am referring to anything.

The world moves too fast nowadays. With social media and instant gratification, nothing is a big deal for more than a couple days.

So, for the people worried about St Johns "reputation"... I promise you that literally no one will care if we hire Pitino. Maybe .00001% of people will look at SJU differently. The rest of the world will continue to live their lives not thinking about St Johns unless they show up in March Madness at some point.

And hey, if your personal values don't allow you to root for the program with Pitino at the helm, then that is your prerogative. But I have my doubts that any lifelong St Johns fans is actually gonna stop watching the games just because Rick Pitino is involved. But hey if you stick to your guns and stay away, then thats fine
I find it interesting that both SJU and GT have both recently brought people in to the fold who were charged and convicted of killing someone, and yet some are still questioning whether Pitino should be hired by a Catholic University for moral and ethical reasons. And don't even get me started about the Catholic Church and it's complicity in, and it's coverup of, the largest pedofile scandal in the history of mankind. Stop with the F'in hypocrisy!!!
Agree 1000% Monte. Some people on here just want to ignore the hypocrisy.
I don't think they will hire Pitino. It is what it is. As far as reputational risk, the school just put Jayson Williams in the HOF. That's not old news. And how could being an employee, coach or any other employee, be a bigger honor than being in an organizations HOF?

Of course, one guy has donated time (which equates to money) and money, and the other guy will want to be paid by the school. Sure seems like the reputation for the University is for sale to me. Shocking, I know.

Doesn't bother me, but if the idea of Pitino has anyone outraged with the school shouldn't they already be outraged with the school?

Williams own daughters have brought up some chilling parental anecdotes about their father. This on top of the entire killing someone thing. Has he made amends? I have no idea, and so won't judge him. Has Pitino made amends. I have no idea so I won't judge him either. I will say this. Pitino's wife is still with him. Williams kids don't want any part of him to this day. Hmmm.

But since I don't think anyone knows it would appear as this is the schools stance.

Thou Shalt Not Kill - These things happen

Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery - Unforgiveable

It's an interesting stance.
I don't think they will hire Pitino. It is what it is. As far as reputational risk, the school just put Jayson Williams in the HOF. That's not old news. And how could being an employee, coach or any other employee, be a bigger honor than being in an organizations HOF?

Of course, one guy has donated time (which equates to money) and money, and the other guy will want to be paid by the school. Sure seems like the reputation for the University is for sale to me. Shocking, I know.

Doesn't bother me, but if the idea of Pitino has anyone outraged with the school shouldn't they already be outraged with the school?

Williams own daughters have brought up some chilling parental anecdotes about their father. This on top of the entire killing someone thing. Has he made amends? I have no idea, and so won't judge him. Has Pitino made amends. I have no idea so I won't judge him either. I will say this. Pitino's wife is still with him. Williams kids don't want any part of him to this day. Hmmm.

But since I don't think anyone knows it would appear as this is the schools stance.

Thou Shalt Not Kill - These things happen

Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery - Unforgiveable

It's an interesting stance.
And let's not even talk about the coverup of the largest pedofile scandal probably n the history of mankind. But many devout Catholics are willing to give the Church a complete pass on that one. Its as though it never even happened. But as you said, bang a broad in the back of a restaurant after a few cocktails (I assume) and you're going to hell for all eternity. Molest a kid, go to confession and we'll just move you to another parish and act like it never happened.
I don't think they will hire Pitino. It is what it is. As far as reputational risk, the school just put Jayson Williams in the HOF. That's not old news. And how could being an employee, coach or any other employee, be a bigger honor than being in an organizations HOF?

Of course, one guy has donated time (which equates to money) and money, and the other guy will want to be paid by the school. Sure seems like the reputation for the University is for sale to me. Shocking, I know.

Doesn't bother me, but if the idea of Pitino has anyone outraged with the school shouldn't they already be outraged with the school?

Williams own daughters have brought up some chilling parental anecdotes about their father. This on top of the entire killing someone thing. Has he made amends? I have no idea, and so won't judge him. Has Pitino made amends. I have no idea so I won't judge him either. I will say this. Pitino's wife is still with him. Williams kids don't want any part of him to this day. Hmmm.

But since I don't think anyone knows it would appear as this is the schools stance.

Thou Shalt Not Kill - These things happen

Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery - Unforgiveable

It's an interesting stance.
Has it been confirmed that he also paid for an abortion?

If so then Pitino has both:

Thou Shalt Not Kill


Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery

Going against him.

It doesn’t really bother me but I’m not a priest and and I’m a priest on the BOT.
Has it been confirmed that he also paid for an abortion?

If so then Pitino has both:

Thou Shalt Not Kill


Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery

Going against him.

It doesn’t really bother me but I’m not a priest and and I’m a priest on the BOT.
The Pope just confirmed that in the eyes of the Catholic Church, homosexuality is a sin. Wonder how the priests(most of whom are gay), and the priests on the BOT, feel about that? Just more F'in hypocrisy.
I am really starting to believe what started to be a civil discussion with opposing views is getting way to personal and should be dialed back a notch.

I know we are all passionate fans but let’s just take a deep breath.
I am really starting to believe what started to be a civil discussion with opposing views is getting way to personal and should be dialed back a notch.

I know we are all passionate fans but let’s just take a deep breath.
Good call. Guys did you hear that? If you can't stay civil don't post any further. Thank you.

PS - also, please also layoff the disparaging comments about the church.
The Pope just confirmed that in the eyes of the Catholic Church, homosexuality is a sin. Wonder how the priests(most of whom are gay), and the priests on the BOT, feel about that? Just more F'in hypocrisy.
*Sex out of marriage is a sin.
*Masturbation is a sin.
*I don't think the Pope personally feels homosexuality should prevent them from practicing their Catholic faith. *Acts of God cannot be viewed as a sin and homosexuality is an act of God in that God is responsible for every gene and chromosome in our bodies.
We are all sinners and Pitino is just a man like any other man.