Mike Anderson - Former Coach

I think there is at least a 50% chance CMA is here next year. If we beat Butler, DePaul and G'town down the stretch you can probably take it to the bank. Unless Pitino wants the job. I can’t see another elite high-major coach coming here and I can’t see SJU coughing up CMA’s buyout for a mid-major hire.
Exactly my thoughts. They'll poke around but if there isn't a big name that wants the job he'll be back. Although he doesn't deserve to be retained by any stretch of the imagination
Yeah, not cool. As with all organizations, you have to separate the deeds of one person from the overriding organization and its mission, unless of course you think the organization was "in on it" or knew that misdeeds were being done. Regardless, whether anyone likes it or not the university is a Catholic affiliated school, not a state school or non-religious private institution. And the basketball team is not a professional franchise. So, accept the fact that it has certain things the school can abide and certain things it can't or won't. Basketball is NOT the reason the school exists and not even a major consideration as to how things are or should be done. It is an important part of the school's history and culture (and probably finances) but not the be all and end all. Past boards and major donors (with some exceptions like Repole) were loathe to bringing in a guy like Pitino. I don't know what the current board's penchant will be, maybe it has changed, maybe not (we will see). But if it hasn't, and they refuse to go there again, the tired old "St. Johns is hypocritical" argument is shallow and wrong. If you don't want to acknowledge, or it frustrates you, that the school is a Catholic University and acts like one, and has certain rules that are different than other schools (whether you like them or not), then I respectfully suggest you root for another school/team. You'll feel much better about thi
My issue is only if he insists on naming someone "coach-in-waiting.". When he leaves, which would be sooner rather than later, I don't want to be locked in to someone, when there could be better choices out there.

I'm not saying Rick would automatically do that, but if he does, it's a non-starter, for me.
So you’d throw away potentially a couple tournament appearances just because Rick pitino might appoint someone after he’s done?

Aren’t we putting the cart before the horse here?

Just get a guy in here who can get us into the dance we will worry about who comes after him later. Who knows maybe Rick will have an excellent assistant coach who we all feel comfortable taking the reins when the time comes
So you’d throw away potentially a couple tournament appearances just because Rick pitino might appoint someone after he’s done?
Yes. I want to win quickly too, but not at the long term expense of the program. I want to get good, and stay good.

Pitino probably covers the first part, but a coach-in-waiting could destroy the second.
Let's get good and worry about staying good after that.
Right, so you get Pitino for the first part, and then when he leaves, go searching again. That will hopefully take care of the second part. At least, I'd be more comfortable with that, then handing it over to his hand-picked successor, whoever that may be.

Again, I don't want to be locked in to the guy coming after him, because we could get locked in to someone really, really bad. I'm sure, 5 years down the road, they'll be an up-and-coming mid-major East Coast coach that I will be pushing for, as I have every time we've made one of these changes. I'm almost certain I'd be more confidant in that, then in some career long assistant, or previously flamed out head coach.
Right, so you get Pitino for the first part, and then when he leaves, go searching again. That will hopefully take care of the second part. At least, I'd be more comfortable with that, then handing it over to his hand-picked successor, whoever that may be.

Again, I don't want to be locked in to the guy coming after him, because we could get locked in to someone really, really bad. I'm sure, 5 years down the road, they'll be an up-and-coming mid-major East Coast coach that I will be pushing for, as I have every time we've made one of these changes. I'm almost certain I'd be more confidant in that, then in some career long assistant, or previously flamed out head coach.
It has been decades since we have been good. It would be great to be good even for one year. It will be a lot easier to stay good than it will be to get good!
Right, so you get Pitino for the first part, and then when he leaves, go searching again. That will hopefully take care of the second part. At least, I'd be more comfortable with that, then handing it over to his hand-picked successor, whoever that may be.

Again, I don't want to be locked in to the guy coming after him, because we could get locked in to someone really, really bad. I'm sure, 5 years down the road, they'll be an up-and-coming mid-major East Coast coach that I will be pushing for, as I have every time we've made one of these changes. I'm almost certain I'd be more confidant in that, then in some career long assistant, or previously flamed out head coach.
Can’t believe you are more worried about what happens after pitino (if we get him which who knows) then what we have become as a program through the years up to now. The time is now to do whatever it takes to make this program relevant. Now. Worry about 5-7 years down the road at that point.
Right, so you get Pitino for the first part, and then when he leaves, go searching again. That will hopefully take care of the second part. At least, I'd be more comfortable with that, then handing it over to his hand-picked successor, whoever that may be.

Again, I don't want to be locked in to the guy coming after him, because we could get locked in to someone really, really bad. I'm sure, 5 years down the road, they'll be an up-and-coming mid-major East Coast coach that I will be pushing for, as I have every time we've made one of these changes. I'm almost certain I'd be more confidant in that, then in some career long assistant, or previously flamed out head coach.
I don't know SJU61982, but I think if Pitino comes here (and that well may not be in the cards due to SJU powers that be), he will be coming to have one final run and to show he can bring Johnnies back to Louie's glory days status and I don't see him being able to name his successor as a deal breaker for him.
I don't know SJU61982, but I think if Pitino comes here (and that well may not be in the cards due to SJU powers that be), he will be coming to have one final run and to show he can bring Johnnies back to Louie's glory days status and I don't see him being able to name his successor as a deal breaker for him.
Then, I'm on board. I've never said otherwise. (I also think, beyond the powers that be, that Georgetown might be more attractive to him than St. John's, but who knows?).

I just said, if he does insist on one, I'd have to pass.
Let's just say Pitino comes here, wins a lot, and then has enough influence to select our next coach.

Sounds like a good problem to me!
That's different, although I don't think I'd be too wild about that, either.

I'm mainly talking about if he insists on naming a coach in waiting, before he himself has ever coached a game here.
We seem to be the only Catholic college that doesn't believe in giving coaches 2nd chances. It's almost as though we'll give anyone else a 2nd chance, just not Rick Pitino. He must have really pissed off someone important.
He has his second chance at Iona.