Mike Anderson - Former Coach

It is very common for a coach who is Fired Without Cause to be paid out 100% of what is owed on the remaining contract.

This site lists termination packages for various NCAA basketball teams.


Even in those cases where it’s not 100%, it is typically 75% or 85% of what’s owed on the remaining contract. Remember, too, that Anderson’s contract was extended right after he won Big East Coach of the Year. He had leverage.

Bottom line: Unless Anderson has a completely incompetent agent, St Johns is going to have to pony up I would guess anywhere between $7.5 million to $10 million to fire Anderson after this season. That amount would be offset by any compensation he earned if he becomes a head coach elsewhere. But who’s going to hire a 63 year old who has been fired twice in a row?

Actually it takes two for this fiasco…. A competent agent and an incompetent AD.
Under Harrington, the school went through what I believe was it’s darkest hours. And I wonder how many members of the Board back then are still on it now, and knew and ignored what Harrington was doing. So yes, I question some of the high morals, values and ethics some of the Board members may have still.
You have totally missed the point. The original question was what would hold Shanley and Cragg back from hiring Pitino. My answer had nothing to do with what Harrington did or didn't do. He is out of the picture. My answer had nothing to do with the Board of Directors. It was merely answering the posed question regarding Shanley and Cragg. I'm surprised you didn't bring up the history of pedophile priests to attack the morals, ethics and values of the church, and defend your position by saying that the church is no good because some of these priests are still active today.
You have totally missed the point. The original question was what would hold Shanley and Cragg back from hiring Pitino. My answer had nothing to do with what Harrington did or didn't do. He is out of the picture. My answer had nothing to do with the Board of Directors. It was merely answering the posed question regarding Shanley and Cragg. I'm surprised you didn't bring up the history of pedophile priests to attack the morals, ethics and values of the church, and defend your position by saying that the church is no good because some of these priests are still active today.
You said that what would prevent the school from hiring Pitino are morals, values and ethics. I brought up a situation where the morals, values and ethics of the school were thoroughly ignored under a previous administration. I think it is you who missed the point. And pedophile priests? What the hell does that have to do with this? Although I do agree the Church worldwide messed that one up completely. But that’s for a different thread.
It is not an old argument. Under Harrington this school had one of the darkest moments in its history. I know the school is a Catholic University, which by the way has many non-Catholic students. I can see the past hypocrisy of the school and still root for them. I don’t need you to tell me who to root for or what will make me feel better.

And as a Catholic school, isn’t forgiveness a virtue? You are casting a lot of stones. You must be totally without sin.
I am not casting any stones, but you are. I am simply saying that you cannot ignore the fact that the school is a Catholic University and that past boards (I know from experience) thought that meant something. Thus, not hiring him in the past. If the board composition has changed (though there are still a large number of faithful, wealthy Catholics on the board and some clergy), then you could get a different result. The number of non-Catholic students at the school is irrelevant for this discussion. That has no bearing on the Catholic affiliation and the Catholic tenants that would govern decision making. But, do not expect it. And, simply because one administrator did bad things does not equate to hypocrisy on the part of the university, unless you cite specific things that they ignored once they knew about it (you haven't). While forgiveness and redemption are Catholic values, that does not equate to having to hire someone who may be viewed as not a good role model. You needn't agree to pay someone millions of dollars to prove that you think that that person is worthy of forgiveness or can be redeemed. Unless you look at it SOLELY through a basketball lense. While we, as die hard fans of the program may want to look at it purely as a basketball decision, for the board it isn't.
You said that what would prevent the school from hiring Pitino are morals, values and ethics. I brought up a situation where the morals, values and ethics of the school were thoroughly ignored under a previous administration. I think it is you who missed the point. And pedophile priests? What the hell does that have to do with this? Although I do agree the Church worldwide messed that one up completely. But that’s for a different thread.
I think you should re-take your remedial reading class. I never mentioned "the school". You are the only one who made reference to "the school". My references were to Shanley and Cragg. You are the only one to reference "the school" and bring up Harrington. Thus missing the point of my original post.
I am not casting any stones, but you are. I am simply saying that you cannot ignore the fact that the school is a Catholic University and that past boards (I know from experience) thought that meant something. Thus, not hiring him in the past. If the board composition has changed (though there are still a large number of faithful, wealthy Catholics on the board and some clergy), then you could get a different result. The number of non-Catholic students at the school is irrelevant for this discussion. That has no bearing on the Catholic affiliation and the Catholic tenants that would govern decision making. But, do not expect it. And, simply because one administrator did bad things does not equate to hypocrisy on the part of the university, unless you cite specific things that they ignored once they knew about it (you haven't). While forgiveness and redemption are Catholic values, that does not equate to having to hire someone who may be viewed as not a good role model. You needn't agree to pay someone millions of dollars to prove that you think that that person is worthy of forgiveness or can be redeemed. Unless you look at it SOLELY through a basketball lense. While we, as die hard fans of the program may want to look at it purely as a basketball decision, for the board it isn't.
Are you a board member? no need to get so defensive.
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Are you a board member? no need to get so defensive.
No I am not (though I know and have represented at least 1 past board member) and I am not at all defensive. I just find it curious and amusing that anyone would find it odd that the university would have certain constraints given ifs affiliations. But I know this is a fan site and that many fans could care less about the affiliations and just want a good basketball team. My posts above have just tried to explain what to me is obvious but to others not so much so. To the extent that someone casts aspersions on the entire university, calls out hypocrisy, and makes conclusions about its ability to act consistent with its faith-based mission and affiliations, then I think that warrants defending, so if that is what you see as defensive, OK (but I respectfully disagree with the categorization).
I am not casting any stones, but you are. I am simply saying that you cannot ignore the fact that the school is a Catholic University and that past boards (I know from experience) thought that meant something. Thus, not hiring him in the past. If the board composition has changed (though there are still a large number of faithful, wealthy Catholics on the board and some clergy), then you could get a different result. The number of non-Catholic students at the school is irrelevant for this discussion. That has no bearing on the Catholic affiliation and the Catholic tenants that would govern decision making. But, do not expect it. And, simply because one administrator did bad things does not equate to hypocrisy on the part of the university, unless you cite specific things that they ignored once they knew about it (you haven't). While forgiveness and redemption are Catholic values, that does not equate to having to hire someone who may be viewed as not a good role model. You needn't agree to pay someone millions of dollars to prove that you think that that person is worthy of forgiveness or can be redeemed. Unless you look at it SOLELY through a basketball lense. While we, as die hard fans of the program may want to look at it purely as a basketball decision, for the board it isn't.
We will disagree on this. And I’m done commenting as I don’t want to take this thread off track. Stay well.
I think you should re-take your remedial reading class. I never mentioned "the school". You are the only one who made reference to "the school". My references were to Shanley and Cragg. You are the only one to reference "the school" and bring up Harrington. Thus missing the point of my original post.
I don’t need remedial reading. Maybe you need a class in tact and respect. I’m done with you. Carry on.
I sorta of kinda understand why ST John’s might have an issue with Pitino.
The fans having an issue with Pitino is ludicrous.
My issue is only if he insists on naming someone "coach-in-waiting.". When he leaves, which would be sooner rather than later, I don't want to be locked in to someone, when there could be better choices out there.

I'm not saying Rick would automatically do that, but if he does, it's a non-starter, for me.
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It is not an old argument. Under Harrington this school had one of the darkest moments in its history. I know the school is a Catholic University, which by the way has many non-Catholic students. I can see the past hypocrisy of the school and still root for them. I don’t need you to tell me who to root for or what will make me feel better.

And as a Catholic school, isn’t forgiveness a virtue? You are casting a lot of stones. You must be totally without sin.
not gonna be a popular post- but since no one has posted any Solid rumors...have to assume there is decent chance CMA is retained...

So proceeding with that mindset... Coming off a depressing season (should we not make it to Friday night of the BET... yes- i'd consider that a nice finish lol)... I don't see us having the same retention this off-season.

Can we convince Joel to stay? not sure... maybe... but that is gonna be a huge loss. Think we see a few other defections... but if we look optimistically at what the roster could be next yr: Posh/Wusu/Storr/Gardner/Jones - Yaxel/Curbelo/Pinzon/Reede off the bench... or some mix of that... is that a Tourney team? not convinced.

If Storr takes that Sophmore Leap- and if Gardner is a true game changer - Posh regains his form a bit... could be an exciting roster...

This was a tough post ....lol
We have no idea , maybe most of us , what the BOT of the School value when it comes to hiring / firing . Pitino is a difficult issue . Catholic values a d all that … But , 1 Catholic College , Iona , already came to grips with whatever character issues Pitino came with and hired him . Did the Pope go beserk ? Did the Arch Bishop , Cardinal Dolan drive to New Rochelle and make all the Brothers and Administrators confess their Sins for hiring Rick? Has Pitino been forbidden to attend Mass ? Was he Ex Communicated ? I think the answer to that is a large NO… Now , another Catholic University , namely G Town is going to need another BB Coach too. Reports are that Pitino might be their Top Choice . Run by those Esteemed Jesuits at a School that is top 20 Academically every year . They don’t seem to have a problem considering Rick , so why should St John’s? Do we think our Catholicism is better than their Catholicism ?

We are not St Peter at the Gates tallying up Heavenly Considerations . Are we ? Pitino is a BB Coach . A very good one . We are a School who has a almost uninterrupted Record of BB failure for over 2 Decades . That failure has adversely impacted the University as it torpedoed any favorable Brand Recognition the School had before those 20 years , And , what has that Board done to address the abysmal US World Report that ranks St John’s as 170 th or something in Academics , etc . The worst in the BE by the way . Our BB is routinely ridiculed on TV during these Anderson years as a hopeless team with no structure . And , how about those losses that are piling up . Many of them horrific routs . We need , as a University , Catholic in belief , that constant failure is not a good value to replicate year in and year out . Stop this madness of perpetual losing . Now .
not gonna be a popular post- but since no one has posted any Solid rumors...have to assume there is decent chance CMA is retained...

So proceeding with that mindset... Coming off a depressing season (should we not make it to Friday night of the BET... yes- i'd consider that a nice finish lol)... I don't see us having the same retention this off-season.

Can we convince Joel to stay? not sure... maybe... but that is gonna be a huge loss. Think we see a few other defections... but if we look optimistically at what the roster could be next yr: Posh/Wusu/Storr/Gardner/Jones - Yaxel/Curbelo/Pinzon/Reede off the bench... or some mix of that... is that a Tourney team? not convinced.

If Storr takes that Sophmore Leap- and if Gardner is a true game changer - Posh regains his form a bit... could be an exciting roster...

This was a tough post ....lol
I think there is at least a 50% chance CMA is here next year. If we beat Butler, DePaul and G'town down the stretch you can probably take it to the bank. Unless Pitino wants the job. I can’t see another elite high-major coach coming here and I can’t see SJU coughing up CMA’s buyout for a mid-major hire.