Mike Anderson - Former Coach

Would be an awful decision if he's ruled out.

Good coaching is important, but this program needs a spark, a name, media attention..

Boynton, Mack, name your favorite mid-major etc...all viable in many other places...but none of them will do what is needed for NYC to get on board...

Pitino is the only one...
Time to earn your keep and talk to the relatives about the diety status Rick will attain by taking us back to respectability.

By making 2 tournaments in 5 years he will get a statue.
Oh I have tried. I have tried. Would love court side tickets.
He knows that he can get more money elsewhere. A lot more money. If he truly has an interest in the SJU job, and by all accounts he does, he knows he's going to have to take less then he would if he went to, say, Texas. I can't speak for the man, but maybe now that he's back home he doesn't want to leave again. Maybe he wants to be the king of NYC. Maybe he sees us as a sleeping giant and he wants to be the one to awaken us. Maybe he doesn't want to go to a football school where basketball will always play second fiddle. Maybe all of the above. Maybe other reasons. I could be way off base, but I firmly believe that Pitino would absolutely love to be coaching again on the biggest stage there is; back in the Big East, in NYC and at MSG.
Lavin called sju a sleeping giant too
I could write plenty of cons, but I'm only going to go with the pros in this post for Mike Anderson and his tenure:

1. None of his four seasons have been complete embarrassments unlike a few of his predecessors.
2. His assistants have helped mend some local fences in recruiting, and the team has more key NY-area kids than in regimes past.
3. Two lightly recruited NY kids have become stars under his watch: Champagnie and Soriano.
4. There has not been a scandal.
5. He is a gentleman, a family man and a good public representative of SJU.

And he soon will experience his first losing season
I was just saying to a friend "7 terrible coaching hires in a row". That has got to be some sort of world record for any sport. You seriously couldn't do that if you tried. Law of averages wouldn't allow it. But when it comes to SJU basketball, you can throw law of averages right out the window.
Don't think most of the board could recognize a basketball if it hit them in the face.
At least 2 SJU boosters are in favor of Pitino. But there is definite resistance by some on the SJU board.
This is how you run off boosters. Happened with Repole. They like a coach (in this case the most obvious choice and the only home run there is) but get overruled by a board that is completely incompetent for no good reason. If you were a booster pushing for Pitino and they go a different direction why would you keep supporting the program?
At least 2 SJU boosters are in favor of Pitino. But there is definite resistance by some on the SJU board.
So SJU basketball has to suck because some on the board don't want Pitino. He's going to be 71 soon, I believe your wild days are behind you once you get into your 70s. They don't want SJU basketball to ever be back I'm guessing, if you're one of the supervisors, foremen, one in charge, aren't you suppose to do what's right by the university to do positive things to bring in revenue, that's what freaking hiring Pitino would do, I mean my God, what is wrong with these clowns? SJU not winning a single ncaa game in 20+ years I guess means absolutely to them, they just say to damn bad, live with it.
I'm seeing names like Boynton, Mack, Urgo, I never heard of Urgo in my life. I guarantee anyone right now "10:51pm on 2/6/2023" that if we don't hire a HR (by HR I'm talking an elite coach who has already won a NC at another school), then we'll be doing this searching for a coach in another 4-5 years. Lifes a freaking gamble, sometimes you gotta take that gamble, and by taking that gamble you just might be rewarded big time.

I truly believe taking the "Pitino gamble" is really worth it, you could be apart of bringing back SJU basketball just by hiring that right coach. The people that can't stand you right now (and there are plenty) might change their tune and say Thank You for bringing Rick here.

The rest is up to you.

I'm done with my rant now.
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