Mike Anderson - Former Coach

As for his highly publicized marital infidelity, if his wife forgave him that is all that counts.
It better not be this because we very very recently hired a guy who cheated on his wife.

I think it's the result of that affair that this school would have the biggest issue with.
What about Calipari? I see a lot of my friends from Kentucky saying he has grown stale there... saying he has maxed out down in the bluegrass...
What about Calipari? I see a lot of my friends from Kentucky saying he has grown stale there... saying he has maxed out down in the bluegrass...
I’m sure he double dipped a chip or two in his past disqualifying him from being a candidate for head basketball coach at the sainted St. John’s University according to some posters. 🤪
How is NY Post or other media source not holding Mike accountable? Someone needs to ask questions why the most talented team in long time is 1-5 in conference.

Someone grow a set of balls
I for one cannot wait to see Pitino next fall all dapper on the sidelines of MSG running a press, letting guys fire away from three.

I just hope he gives more time to Obi and IQ.
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I really want Mike Anderson to succeed. And I want this years team to turn it around. It seems like he is a step behind during games. And this team is a mess in so many ways. But maybe it will come together and the team goes on a winning streak. The team deserves it, the coach’s deserve it. And the fan base are hoping and waiting for it.
Now if that doesn’t happen the logical thing to do is start over with a coach who can deliver a team that wins and represents the school appropriately.
LJSA had it right - not hiring McKillop was one of the great mistakes in the history of St. John’s basketball. Had we hired him after Jarvis he would be talked about in the same breath as Looie and Lapchik by now.
Completely agree with both you and LJSA. Were it not for a disparaging (borderline racist) remark (that seemed to have an impact) made by one of Looie’s assistants,that McKillop would not be able to recruit black players (or as he stated he would not be able to recruit above 29th street), McKillip may have been the coach here.
I really want Mike Anderson to succeed. And I want this years team to turn it around. It seems like he is a step behind during games. And this team is a mess in so many ways. But maybe it will come together and the team goes on a winning streak. The team deserves it, the coach’s deserve it. And the fan base are hoping and waiting for it.
Now if that doesn’t happen the logical thing to do is start over with a coach who can deliver a team that wins and represents the school appropriately.
I hear you Rythm, and while a win streak would be nice, and I wouldn't be shocked if we go on one, it's only going to serve to prolong the inevitable.