Mike Anderson - Former Coach

All access since Louie possibilities:
Mahoney-players having fist fight on bench as Mahoney looks to Louie in stands for help.

Fran-actually says relevant coach stuff and all looks good till he starts screaming and whips it out. We are immediately banned from TV

Jarvis- says stuff in Boston accent that no one understands beside weave. Pays kids after made baskets or in Keita’s case for no apparent reason. Immediately put on probation.

Clark- shows Ingram how to properly use camera on phone.

Norm-says how great the other team is as looks out at court confused like Junior Soprano during final season.

Lavin-gives everyone corny nicknames and says goofy things like “hammer to rock “ as he makes sure Keady is just napping.

Mullin- falls asleep thinking this would have been a lot easier if he was coaching himself, Berry, Wennington and Jackson. St Jean tries to speak over Mullin snoring.

Now was any of that better or worse than:
“Fghishzxz, Joel, Joel, Joel, fvbidhhsh, fghjkish, Posh, Posh, gghkish,ghusrgh, fight.”

Humor: 8/10
Historic knowledge of SJU futility: 10/10
Quality post.
Another home run name that I’m surprised hasn’t been bought up in other major searches the past couple years is John Beilein. Obviously his NBA run was a disaster and he’s just in some advisor role now for the Pistons. At 69, he may think he has one more run in him or maybe he’s enjoying semi-retirement and won’t coach another game. Who knows.

Highly doubt he’d be interested in this specific job and pretty sure he left college because he was sick of the recruiting aspect of it which has only gotten worse with the emergence of the free transfer rule. Wouldn’t hurt to kick the tires on it though should there be an opening.
Funny, the all access thing seems to have unified the fan base. Too bad they didn’t have this when Norm was around. Though the old BEB wouldn’t have been nearly as entertaining
We are talking about a multi-million dollar industry. A good coaching hire will pay for itself countless times over. The school needs to figure out how to open up the bank for the next hire. No more cheaping out. Identify a few top notch coaches, and make them an offer they can't refuse.

Monte, it's the old adage, "you get what you pay for".

I didn't post after the Xavier game because I was too upset and would probably have written something that I would later regret. But, Redman in Albany said it best. This was a downright embarrassment. Besides the fact that Sean Miller had complete control over each huddle, clearly stated his observations/expectations and checked to ensure that his players "got it" (NONE of which CMA ever did), I fully understood what Miller was trying to communicate. I had difficulty even understanding what CMA was saying in the huddle let alone be in a position to be able to evaluate whether or not his message was effective.

It's hard to believe that CMA allowed himself to be put in this position in the first place. It certainly didn't do anything to enhance my feelings about him as a head coach. Unfortunately, it was much to the contrary. Now I have a clearer understanding why I believe that our teams have underachieved under his "leadership". By all accounts, CMA seems like a nice guy but we need (and deserve) better bench coaching than what I observed in this game!!
Another home run name that I’m surprised hasn’t been bought up in other major searches the past couple years is John Beilein. Obviously his NBA run was a disaster and he’s just in some advisor role now for the Pistons. At 69, he may think he has one more run in him or maybe he’s enjoying semi-retirement and won’t coach another game. Who knows.

Highly doubt he’d be interested in this specific job and pretty sure he left college because he was sick of the recruiting aspect of it which has only gotten worse with the emergence of the free transfer rule. Wouldn’t hurt to kick the tires on it though should there be an opening.

Dusty May
It's a shame we're not even into January yet and we're having this conversation again but here we are. Like many of the people on this board, I'm starting to be convinced that barring a huge turnaround the rest of the way, that it will be time to move on from CMA at season's end.

I like CMA, he seems to be a good man and father figure for his guys but like the last several coaches we've had here, his in-game coaching leaves a lot to be desired. For whatever reason, outside of a season here and there when we had both talented and experienced players, our half court offense especially, has been abysmal since Coach Carnesecca left.

You watch other teams play and they have some semblance of ball movement. For us, it's been mostly missing for decades. It was a problem with Mahoney. It was a problem to some degree with Fran but he wasn't here long enough to fix it. It was a problem with Jarvis after 2000. It was a problem with Norm. It was a problem with Lavin outside of his first and last years here. It was a problem with Mullin mainly outside of his last season and it's been a problem with CMA. Guys standing around on offense, jacking up bad shots.

There are ways to get guys good shots. I've watched other teams do it since the 80's. There has to be a way, right?

I'm warming up to the Pitino talk. My concerns about him have less to do with his past transgressions and more to do with his age. He's a short term solution even if he spends 5 years here. My biggest concern is that he quickly turns around this program and then a bigger profile school comes along and offers a boatload for one last hurrah in a bigger conference. Then we're all of a sudden in the same boat again. It's possible that we might end up in a situation where a difference-maker coach would be interested but there's no guarantee at all. Either way, if we decide to part ways with CMA, he has to be the first option. I have no idea if he'd be interested in the job. Some posters say yes, so obviously they know more than I do about it.

I don't know if Beilein would be interested, but he also would be a good choice. I'm not concerned with his recruiting, as he would at least be able to get players in here who could play basketball the way he coaches it, which is to get guys open for good shots.

Otherwise, not a lot of coaches available who could move the meter and give this program the jolt it needs. It's not like we have the juice to poach somebody from a bigger school.

Also, as an aside. It's a shame than Fran didn't work out here. He was easily the best combination of coach/recruiter we've had since Looie. He loaded up this team before his dismissal and left Jarvis a lot to work with, and then Jarvis put us in a hole we've never fully been able to dig out of. I'm still not sure what it was that actually got him canned. Was it the appearance of "Little Fran" or openly flirting with the Arizona State job?
Enough please with the "CMA is a great guy" talk.

Brian Mahoney is a great guy
Jarvis was considered great guy (for a while)
Norm is a great guy
Lav is a great guy

I don't frankly care if CMA is a great guy, I care if he's a good coach. I'd take Attila the Hun if he was still alive and could coach. .
Dusty May
He'll definitely be one of the hot young names after this season if FAU keeps it up this season. Currently 36th in KenPom and they only finished top 200 in KP since 1997 before May got there (ironically Jarvis 2011 team finished 186th). Has ties to the midwest and south, but nothing in the northeast.
I'm actually coming around on the Pitino scenario also, especially since he got a clean bill of health from the NCAA. I was dead-set against it a few years ago, like many here.

What do people think of King Rice? I've always been impressed with the job he's done at Monmouth, yet you rarely hear him mentioned for big-time jobs.
Enough please with the "CMA is a great guy" talk.

Brian Mahoney is a great guy
Jarvis was considered great guy (for a while)
Norm is a great guy
Lav is a great guy

I don't frankly care if CMA is a great guy, I care if he's a good coach. I'd take Attila the Hun if he was still alive and could coach. .
Monte, you are a great guy! Can you coach? End of interview.
I'm actually coming around on the Pitino scenario also, especially since he got a clean bill of health from the NCAA. I was dead-set against it a few years ago, like many here.

What do people think of King Rice? I've always been impressed with the job he's done at Monmouth, yet you rarely hear him mentioned for big-time jobs.
Not sure what offers were there after 2015-16/16-17, but probably should have left after one of those years if a bigger job offer came. Iron grew cold in ensuing years.
Enough please with the "CMA is a great guy" talk.

Brian Mahoney is a great guy
Jarvis was considered great guy (for a while)
Norm is a great guy
Lav is a great guy

I don't frankly care if CMA is a great guy, I care if he's a good coach. I'd take Attila the Hun if he was still alive and could coach. .

I hear you loud and clear, but respectfully disagree to an extent. Everyone looks at things differently, but I give guys like Lav & CMA (and even Norm) credit for caring about the kids and representing the school well. Some of the kids Jarvis brought in at the end made it hard for me to root for the team. Agree at the end of the day you need to win but do not agree that character of the coach doesn't matter (at least to me). Realize I am definitely in the minority here.
I'm actually coming around on the Pitino scenario also, especially since he got a clean bill of health from the NCAA. I was dead-set against it a few years ago, like many here.

What do people think of King Rice? I've always been impressed with the job he's done at Monmouth, yet you rarely hear him mentioned for big-time jobs.
His 2016 and 2017 teams were very good but the rest of his tenure there has been mediocre at best and they are one of the worst teams in D1 this year. Am also surprised he didn't cash in after 2017 but his next step would be to like the A10 level, not Big East.
Those are hopes and prays, we done those and how did they turn out, makes makes you think any up and comers would be any different?

I really hope that MA gets us to the tournament but that's very doubtful.
Lets look at the 3 tests so far:

@ISU - Scored 5pnts in the first 12 minutes, and really never recovered from that point.
@ Nova - The first 15 minutes they looked really good being up 11, then it changed and at one point in the 2nd half were down 17, that's a 28 point swing.
Vs. Xavier - SJU went down 18points before waking up.

They might beat a SHU team that isn't that good, but if we do turn it around it won't happen over night. Maybe by late January they could start turning it around? It could be to late by then because of the poor ooc sos.

@ SHU W 2-2
Vs. Marq L 2-3
@ Prov L 2-4
Vs. Butler W 3-4
@ UConn L 3-5
Vs. Nova L 3-6
@ Creigton L 3-7

Many said after the ISU loss that we'll need 12 conf Ws
If we start 3-7, does anyone think we'll finish 9-1?

I give us about a 5% chance of making it, but gotta absolutely beat SHU on Saturday or the season is a wrap.
The problem is that we play the same whether we're up by 11 or down by 11. That's why we suck! Any good coach could turn this around

I hear you loud and clear, but respectfully disagree to an extent. Everyone looks at things differently, but I give guys like Lav & CMA (and even Norm) credit for caring about the kids and representing the school well. Some of the kids Jarvis brought in at the end made it hard for me to root for the team. Agree at the end of the day you need to win but do not agree that character of the coach doesn't matter (at least to me). Realize I am definitely in the minority here.
Don't get me wrong NCJ, if a coach is a great guy that's wonderful, but is Boeheim, for example, considered a great guy by anyone except maybe his wife and kids? Does anyone in Syracuse care? Do you think any of those kids in that huddle listening to Sean Miller care if he's a great guy? Do you think any of the kids in our huddle really care if CMA is a great guy? Some of my best mentors in life were pricks. I don't think the kids care if the coach is great guy or a prick, so long as they can look to him for leadership and direction. That's what coaches get paid millions to do.