Mike Anderson - Former Coach

I have been very critical of Mike’s in game coaching. His tenure here did not work out and a change was necessary. As many have expressed, he deserves a Thank You. Was nothing but professional as head coach at SJU. Best of luck to him in the future.
But Pitino can still coach has done great at Iona and even that short term job he took with that pro team in Greece they were awful and he instantly had them winning.
Didn't think Cragg/Shanley would accept accountability for flushing $10 million down the toilet for no reason. Clearly I was wrong and I'll be the first to admit it.
If they hire Pitino, they will more than make up the $10 million instantly!
In CMA's first year I attended an open practice and was impressed by the intensity and that was the second practice of the day--the first was at 6AM. I am sorry it did not work out as I enjoy up tempo game but it may be past its "due date" as Jimmy B's exclusive use of a zone defense.

As to Chris and his coaching "disinterest", I believe that fault lies at the feet of whoever hired him. Chris and family were happy on the West Coast and after his first season his daughter was so homesick, Chris's wife returned to California. Being w/o his family must have sucked and then his brother getting sick and dying the slow cancer death did not help. Bottom line as a coach, Chris was a fish out of water who did not want to coach and a man w/o his family. The real failure in Chris's coaching was whoever hired him in the first place.
I really liked Mike Anderson as a coach and person and hoped he could get over the hump. It didn’t happen. He worked very hard here and I appreciate the time here. It was time to move on. He was a gentleman and not hard to root for.