Mike Anderson - Former Coach

People trashed Chris Mullin for bad coaching, someone who did more for the program than anyone but thanking Anderson for bad coaching.
Confusing concept
Chris did more for the program as a player. Not so much as a coach. He deserves to be praised as the GOAT of St. John's players and he deserved to be trashed as a coach. Even you must realize that. And people are not thanking Anderson for bad coaching. Read the comments. They're more about Anderson's character and the way he represented the university.
I am a ND fan because my Granddaughter graduated last May . I would think / say that it was a huge mistake for Syracuse , Pitt, ND , Louisville to leave the Big East for the ACC . None of them have fared well since they bolted . Sure , it was a decision made by bean counting School Presidents and the Football people . But , they could have said , “ Bleep you and remained in BE.” ND has the ability in Football, due to its Nationwide fan base and it’s almost lifetime TV contract to do whatever they want . The NCAA doesn’t have big enough balls to tell ND they can’t participate in Bowl games . Plus , ND already dictates to the ACC that it will only play so many ACC games any way , But , back to the topic , Brey’s teams were often contenders in the BE until they left . So was Syracuse and Pitt , Louisville but , the ACC still has the draw for the one and done players plus the State schools have big Tax payer budgets . Brey is a good , solid Coach but , isn’t Pitino . Any hate towards him here is unjustified .
I am not hating on Brey, I just feel he has lost his fastball (it happens) and is not what this program needs.

I agree with the leaving the BE stuff as it is spot on.
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Chris did more for the program as a player. Not so much as a coach. He deserves to be praised as the GOAT of St. John's players and he deserved to be trashed as a coach. Even you must realize that. And people are not thanking Anderson for bad coaching. Read the comments. They're more about Anderson's character and the way he represented the university.
My point is if Chris Mullin can get trashed on a ST John’s forum there is no reason to thank a highly paid coach after he got fired.
Mullin was an awful coach and deserved to be fired. Anderson was an awful coach who wasn’t the face of the program and deserved to be fired.
Thanks should be reserved for guys who retire.
And other than the 2nd best coach in our history who embarrassed the program. No need to thank every ST John’s coached who gets fired.
I was rooting for Anderson to succeed here and he was given 4 years to do so but did not. The Rick Pitino choice has grown on me because we can’t mess this next one up. Can’t afford to. With the NIL, Rick P doesn’t have to skate rules like before. It’s all above the table, which will mean instant influx of talent. Need to win here asap and resurrect our name.
My point is if Chris Mullin can get trashed on a ST John’s forum there is no reason to thank a highly paid coach after he got fired.
Mullin was an awful coach and deserved to be fired. Anderson was an awful coach who wasn’t the face of the program and deserved to be fired.
Thanks should be reserved for guys who retire.
We'll have to disagree on that. Anderson was an awful coach on the court but he worked a helluva lot harder than Chris ever did, especially on the recruiting trail. And it paid off for most of the players he brought here. Just not in overall wins and losses or NCAA appearances.
conversations have been had prior to his termination..if the university can promise Rick some of his demands( salary is easy part) he will be the next HC
Can you give us a vague idea of some of these demands might center around, facility upgrades etc.
My point is if Chris Mullin can get trashed on a ST John’s forum there is no reason to thank a highly paid coach after he got fired.
Mullin was an awful coach and deserved to be fired. Anderson was an awful coach who wasn’t the face of the program and deserved to be fired.
Thanks should be reserved for guys who retire.
Wow! I believe anderson did and dos get his fair share of trashing. But respectful fans also dont need to kick him on the way out the door. He was a face of the program, recruited, also brought in top assistants, not just his buddies. Anderson won BE coach of the year, almost would of won the Big East tourny the covid year. Is he an awful in game coaching, ,YES. But you can tell his guys played their buts off and I also believe we all thanked Chris on his way out too. "Stay Classy San Diego" as ron burgundy would say
I'm sad for the program but at the same time I'm happy that Cragg recognized that we were going nowhere and is trying to move the program forward. This is the first step.
I was rooting for Anderson to succeed here and he was given 4 years to do so but did not. The Rick Pitino choice has grown on me because we can’t mess this next one up. Can’t afford to. With the NIL, Rick P doesn’t have to skate rules like before. It’s all above the table, which will mean instant influx of talent. Need to win here asap and resurrect our name.
I agree. I was not in favor of Pitino four years ago (I didn’t have a problem with his redeeming himself elsewhere) but enough is enough and quite frankly, we passed enough a long time ago.
I'm sad for the program but at the same time I'm happy that Cragg recognized that we were going nowhere and is trying to move the program forward. This is the first step.
Greg, agreed. The Program hasn’t been a factor in a long time. At this point I think we need someone with his experience and name recognition with Recruiting. (AND with fans) Hopefully, that guy is Pitino. I am cautiously optimistic that’s what they are thinking. Not sure about who else with his stature is available or would even consider this job.
Thank you Coach Anderson for your 4 years. While we never got over the hump and into the tourney, we weren't embarrassed during your tenure. The kids loved you , a testament to your character. But, unfortunately good guys don't guarantee huge success . Good luck in your future endeavors as you leave us.
Coach Anderson is a class act so thank you and best wishes to him.

But it’s time to look ahead and hope for better times. Whomever the next coach is will determine the ultimate future of the program. A paradigm shift is needed.

If it’s not Pitino then the hire is fraught with questions but crucially important nonetheless.

Hoping the powers that be get it right.
Had nothing personal against Anderson he was a class act and handled himself as such. It was just time for a change I think he’s past his prime and he was never getting us to the next level. We need Pitino so bad he’s the one guy I have faith in turning this around! We all deserve a chance to watch some success it’s unreal that we haven’t won a tourney game since 2000.