Any smart Mets fan will stay home until the team shows signs of competing for a pennant. I would expect that form this point onward, season ticket sales for 2016 will sag. It's fine, I liked buying Travelzoo discounted seats as late as Sept 23 this year.
The Wilpons had a chance to average 40,000 fans per game for an entire season. Now they will be lucky to average 30,000
Beast, as a fellow Met fan you have to know that we can't be that smart to deal with the crap product that we had to deal with most of the last 40 years (23 losing seasons and 17 winning seasons but it feels worse with only six playoff appearances and one world series). I think the attendance will be closer to averaging 35,000 as long as they are in the playoff hunt, even if they need to run promos to get people in.