we are sju
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I like Matt A, and think the school should give him what he wants, but in the end, this is a slippery way for him to get paid.
All that jazz he has been spewing about "trust the process", i heart NY, sju loyalty, etc. is complete BS if he bolts
This is totally hypocritical. You're telling me that if another employer came to you with a better opportunity and a lot more money, you would turn it away out of a sense of loyalty.
Fact of the matter is sports is a cut throat business. You need to capitalize on your opportunities when they come your way. If the rumors are true, I have no problem with Matt coming to SJU with an offer and asking them to match it.
sju is his alma mater. its not the same as just another random employer.
Money talks and if anyone says that they would turn down a substantial increase they are kidding themselves. Alma mater or loyality is out the window. People think Chris is untouchable, well if he doesn't turn things around you can guarantee they will part ways and what happens to Matt. You can never get too comfortable in coaching. There is a reason why most asst. don't buy houses. Lol
No one with half a brain thinks Chris is untouchable. As for Matt, if it's not this offer they'll be others for more money. When I was an employee, I tended to value loyalty and comfort level over top $. I had the opportunity to jump at higher paying jobs a number of times, but always managed to work something out with my then current employer. As an employer, I have long time employees who I know could have left for higher paying jobs, but our personal relationships and how I've treated them has kept them with me. On the other hand there have been a few employees over the years who thought they had me over a barrel, and came to me asking for big raises at a moment in time when they thought they were indispensable. Only to find out very quickly how dispensable they were. My feeling has always been that if you pull that crap on me once, you'll do it again. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I would beg to differ on the untouchable topic, but that's ok. Also, you are right to some people loyality is important and the grass isn't always greener. Most of us doesn't have the opportunity to double our salary, I'm pretty sure if someone came to you and said I would double your salary you might think about it for 2 minutes. (Not saying that's what they will do) but if the money is significant plus cheaper cost of living then he needs to make his money now.
Maybe because I don't see Chris as untouchable at a certain point. Long leash yes, but not untouchable. I don't blame someone for listening to any offer. I've done the same thing. I hate the fact that this being played out in a public arena. Also understand the school's position that they are carrying a number of very big salaries, including Slice's, and adding another one at this point I probably not in the cards unless someone goes. Especially when they have not yet seen much of a return on their investment. Although I realize it's a bit to soon for that. Tough call all the way around. Maybe Chris and Mitch agree to kick in some of their salary for Matt, but not holding out hope. Regardless, the longer this drags out the worse it is for us on a number of fronts, the most important being recruiting.
I also hate stuff like this being in the public, but unfortunate this is the time we are living in. I could be wrong, but I doubt Matt would go to to them without a firm offer. Also agree with the dragging out part.
Ralph Kiner led the league in homers like 10 straight years and when he asked for a raise he was told "we finished last with you and can do it w/o you."
Matt recruited players on a team that has averaged 11 wins a year. Already over paying an assistant to sit home and eat pasta. Not sure Matt going to get what he is looking for, if that is what this is.