im sorry but i have a different perspective than most of you. Im upset, but not at Lav, at JORDAN!! This is a TEAM, i know its easy to cast judgement on Lav since he is at the helm. I for one applaud the way he runs a team. I like the discipline he is trying to instill in the program. They should all be focused on the TEAM aspect. If by chance Jordan is not focused on school work, or upset over not starting, or any other issue he is having trouble dealing with....I applaud Lav for giving him the leave. Now that being said, he could be leaving because of a legit family reason....but if its anything besides the fact of his ill Mom, he needs to be with his TEAM! These guys have developed such good chemistry together, its so hard to see it fall apart. I feel for DLo, and the other Srs. These guys have put so much into the program, it was finally starting to pay off. If Jordan thinks he is going Pro, that could be the funniest thing Ive heard in awhile. He is so far from a Pro player that he needs every bit of his years at St Johns to get him ready. Go down ANY D-League roster, its riddled with great college players who left way too early. Im just as nervous as anyone that the recuits have not come, but I do trust in Lav. We've also had our share of bad bad luck. It seems we are never meant to be...this could of been the year. I hope there is a turn of events and that somehow Jordan reappears on the team. Is it no coincidence that Jordan is not allowed to speak to the media ? The kid obviously has some issues. Lets hope DLo, Dom, IV can convinve Lav and Jordan its not too late, reconcile, and lets go beat Nova!