Why so much hate and "I told you so's? it appears he was tired of school and wanted to move on, so he did. Whom ever he was hearing mid/to late first or early second round from (if he was hearing that at all), obviously was not anyone with any direct pipeline to the NBA. Then again, how many expert's picked guys going to the first round who didn't. I didn't think he would get picked put hoped he would somewhere in the second. He didn't and he wasn't shocked as his statement before the draft (if true) about the D'League shows. Many kids leave school because they don't like it, regardless who is paying for the education (see point raised by simplyred above). All he wanted to do was go play and that was that.
This was a loaded draft and was not the year for many to come out, but they did. Some were told late first or second, but came out anywhere because they were ready to move on. In some cases, they were told it wouldn't matter if they stayed an extra year or not, their draft position would be the same, others were probably told they would go higher if they stayed another year but came out anyway to make cash now instead of delaying another year risking injury or the possibly dropping even further. While the first round money is guaranteed, it is capped by draft position. It is the second contract where the "big money" comes in and the feeling in some circles is, the earlier you leave the quicker you get to the second contract and "real" money.
As for Jordan or others learning from this, don't hold your breathe. There are many examples of people not learning from other's mistakes (drinking and driving, smoking, leaving early for the draft when you're not ready) and when it comes to the college age group, there is that "it happened to him but it won't to me" mentality. If Jordan and/or CO feel they are ready and want to go, they will go.