One wonders if anonymous public shots from the electronic grandstand at a kid who may be in trouble are more a measure of character than shooting percentage or "body language."
Guys with the experience of a Lavin and his top notch staff doesn't bounce a troubled kid who has crossed the line once. LEt's be certain - today's coaches have to be much more tolerant of bad behavior than coaches 25 years ago. Remember how PJ Carlesimo was blamed by some for getting choked by Latrell Sprewell - for trying to bring old school college discipline to the pros. I'm confident that if Harrison was suspended, it was for good reason and not by a staff throwing him under the bus or abandoning him because he's played like garbage.,
My comments were not about the coach or his staff but about all those forum participants who get afflicted with sudden insight about people's characters from their years of training about "body language" and the relationship of shooting percentage to the Ten Commandments. The most fascinating "body language" I ever saw was by Jim Plunkett, the old NFL QB who I believe won a Super Bowl. He seemed to have odd facial expressions until I saw a report that he was raised by blind parents.
Plunkett = a Stanford grad I believe and a Native American.
We can give Harrison compassion and respect all he's been through and still suspend him. Not mutually exclusive etc.Harrison has to grow up and Lavin is doing a marvelous job taking us to where we want to be (again) after two decades of mediocrity.
all the best