Georgetown (MSG), Tues. Jan. 9, 6:30p, FS1/570AM

Almost any team with a pulse would be up big over Georgetown, considering they had a 2 for 18 run late in the first half. If you can't beat G Town, then who can you beat? Ball movement is awful, with every point seemingly off a one on one move. As ugly as 2 teams can get at this point of the season.
Now down 4 and starting to foul. I am about to surrender for the season, we look clueless out there.
Clark to the bench with his 3rd. Fighting for our lives right now.
Tariq Owens with 5 Blocks but 2-8 from the field with 0 rebounds.
He certainly misses more than a fair share of bunnies .Then turned it over with a bad pass . Mullin pulled him . Let him settle and back in quick .
IMO, this team look like they're going through the motions. No enthusiasm or sense of urgency. Something seems off.

Maybe, it's just me.
Yawke got jealous and took a 3 and then threw it away. Ali B gets back in and misses a 3.
I'm sorry. This is a disgraceful display of lackadaisical play when there is just no excuse for it. Makes me long for Lavin's last team. I was a huge supporter of bringing in Mullin; but there is something broken here.
Georgetown shooting 29% and it feels like we should be lucky to be only down 4.