Fire Lavin!

Whether johnnyfan resembles real fan or not, there's no proof he is. While I find him a bit repetitive when it comes to lavin, he still is a good poster. There's no reason to label him as realfan, i don't think he is....

Ummmmm.... Okay.
I thought JohnnyFan was realfan/Linda Mirabella too but Linda had a constant theme about Lavin not being a good recruiter. JohnnyFan has actually said positive things about Lavin's recruiting. I don't think it's the same person.
Who cares.

My sentiments exactly Mike. If folks can't figure out who to read, who not to read and who to read severely edited and how to respond to each that's really more on the audience than the clown show itself.
I thought JohnnyFan was realfan/Linda Mirabella too but Linda had a constant theme about Lavin not being a good recruiter. JohnnyFan has actually said positive things about Lavin's recruiting. I don't think it's the same person.

With profoundest apologies to Mel Brooks.

Here I stand all Redmen to inspire
Get Lavin fired
I have this power

Morning, noon and night I write complaining
I think I’m gaining
Now is the hour
Other Johnnies constantly surround me
They always hound me
With one request
Who can tolerate their losing habits
Their false hopes grabbed at
This fan knows best

I’m tired, sick and tired of Lavs
I’ve had my fill of Lavs,
and his platitudinous salves
Tired, tired of play uninspired
and not getting recruits I desired
Let’s admit, I’m tired

I’ve seen thousands of games
Each one of them lame
With a team coached by Steve
It’s always losing or winning,
winning or losing
And always I grieve

I’m tired
Tired the way Lav runs a game
ain’t it a crying shame
I’m so tired I may
stop quoting myself

I’m tired,
tired of other poster’s attacks
Tired of making up facts
I’m so tired

I’ve read thousands of posts
I like mine the most
They all have panache
The others pander to Lavin
Which this fan’s not havin’
All others post trash

Tired, tired that Lav isn’t fired
That outcome devoutly desired
Let’s all admit that this plan
Is worthy of real johnny fans
I thought JohnnyFan was realfan/Linda Mirabella too but Linda had a constant theme about Lavin not being a good recruiter. JohnnyFan has actually said positive things about Lavin's recruiting. I don't think it's the same person.

With profoundest apologies to Mel Brooks.

Here I stand all Redmen to inspire
Get Lavin fired
I have this power

Morning, noon and night I write complaining
I think I’m gaining
Now is the hour
Other Johnnies constantly surround me
They always hound me
With one request
Who can tolerate their losing habits
Their false hopes grabbed at
This fan knows best

I’m tired, sick and tired of Lavs
I’ve had my fill of Lavs,
and his platitudinous salves
Tired, tired of play uninspired
and not getting recruits I desired
Let’s admit, I’m tired

I’ve seen thousands of games
Each one of them lame
With a team coached by Steve
It’s always losing or winning,
winning or losing
And always I grieve

I’m tired
Tired the way Lav runs a game
ain’t it a crying shame
I’m so tired I may
stop quoting myself

I’m tired,
tired of other poster’s attacks
Tired of making up facts
I’m so tired

I’ve read thousands of posts
I like mine the most
They all have panache
The others pander to Lavin
Which this fan’s not havin’
All others post trash

Tired, tired that Lav isn’t fired
That outcome devoutly desired
Let’s all admit that this plan
Is worthy of real johnny fans

Madeline Kahn has nothing to worry about, and please don't try your hand at high anxiety >-)
As mentioned by some others (see the Big East Coaches thread), I find it interesting that many who support Lavin choose to engage in this crusade to censor the opposing view. What is getting old are the threats of banning and blocking, when no board rules have been broken. You can have your opinion, fine. I don't agree with it, and I don't understand it.........but it's yours. When/if your opinion bothers me to the point of frustration, I will stop reading your posts. I love the freedom.

People telling you to stop are not lavin supporters. People telling you to stop are just regular posters tired of seeing every thread derailed by lavin hate. Do I like lavin? Nope, not at all, but it's brought up in every thread, a lot of times by you and a few others. And today I guess there weren't any other threads to hijack so you decided to resurrect his thread from the dead, it's just getting so old, we get your point, it has been made over and over, let's move on.

Don't sweat it, Jack. A typical realfan reply when he's been figured out. Go and look back at all his screennames prior to him being banned, and the reply is similar to the one above. A few words may be different, but the delivery and tone of the posts are nearly identical. He's also becomes very defensive.

It's generally easy to figure him out.

Dinkins.....I joined the board approximately one year ago and have had two screen names (James/JohnnyFan). You seem extremely confident that I am a previously banned poster, but I am not. I am not sure how else to prove it, so I won't try.

Don't let dinkins get under your skin. He is quite the conspiracy theorist. He's been known to challenge posters that are to vociferous in their criticism of lavin to duke it out with him Mano y Mano. I still get nervous when I'm walking alone at night.
As mentioned by some others (see the Big East Coaches thread), I find it interesting that many who support Lavin choose to engage in this crusade to censor the opposing view. What is getting old are the threats of banning and blocking, when no board rules have been broken. You can have your opinion, fine. I don't agree with it, and I don't understand it.........but it's yours. When/if your opinion bothers me to the point of frustration, I will stop reading your posts. I love the freedom.

People telling you to stop are not lavin supporters. People telling you to stop are just regular posters tired of seeing every thread derailed by lavin hate. Do I like lavin? Nope, not at all, but it's brought up in every thread, a lot of times by you and a few others. And today I guess there weren't any other threads to hijack so you decided to resurrect his thread from the dead, it's just getting so old, we get your point, it has been made over and over, let's move on.

Don't sweat it, Jack. A typical realfan reply when he's been figured out. Go and look back at all his screennames prior to him being banned, and the reply is similar to the one above. A few words may be different, but the delivery and tone of the posts are nearly identical. He's also becomes very defensive.

It's generally easy to figure him out.

Dinkins.....I joined the board approximately one year ago and have had two screen names (James/JohnnyFan). You seem extremely confident that I am a previously banned poster, but I am not. I am not sure how else to prove it, so I won't try.

Don't let dinkins get under your skin. He is quite the conspiracy theorist. He's been known to challenge posters that are to vociferous in their criticism of lavin to duke it out with him Mano y Mano. I still get nervous when I'm walking alone at night.

Welcome back boo Harvey long time we haven't heard from you. If you came back to post something of substance about our team great. However, if you came back to instigate trouble with fellow posters I strongly suggest you refrain. We have enough posters who bicker and quarrel but at least that add something to the discussion more often than not. I am waiting for you to do the same.
Thanking you in advance.
It's not about whether you like him or not and not being able to post about it. Potential recruits, current recruits, and their coaches, families, and advisors all read the message boards. People constantly being negative and bashing the program, and resurrecting threads like these out of nowhere, are the people who hurt the program. Freedom of speech fine. But if you were a true fan, you'd exercise that freedom cautiously.
There is no such thing as "Freedom of Speech" on a privately run message board. It's a privilege to post on a fan board such as this one. I do think everyone is entitled to their opinions, however I feel if you're on every thread putting down our coaching staff you obviously have an ulterior motive. What it is, I don't know... However I do know it does nothing to help our team, recruiting etc. Not everyone has to be a fan of Lavin. It was def a frustrating year, but Lavin isn't going anywhere, so what's the point in crapping on him in every post?
Welcome back boo Harvey long time we haven't heard from you. If you came back to post something of substance about our team great. However, if you came back to instigate trouble with fellow posters I strongly suggest you refrain. We have enough posters who bicker and quarrel but at least that add something to the discussion more often than not. I am waiting for you to do the same.
Thanking you in advance.

To add, the "posters who bicker and quarrel" should also knock it off. If you don't know who you are, look at the last few pages of this thread.

In addition, there is no need to post the same thing over ... and over ... and over again. JohnnyFan, this means you, though you're certainly not the only one.
This is unfortunate. I understand and support posters being warned and sanctioned for racist, threatening or insensitive comments. However, censoring content certainly disauthenticates the message board.

The head coach of any college basketball program assumes responsibility for all aspects of the job (coaching, recruiting, retention, PR, etc.). Therefore, it seems applicable to comment on the coach in any thread that discusses St. John's Basketball. After all, he is essentially the CEO of the organization. While some shift fault to the players, assistant coaches and even the fans; my philosophy is that the man in charge is responsible for the totality. I am not expecting everyone to agree, but I did expect that it would be accepted.

Sadly, as mentioned (not by me), there is indeed a bully pulpit that attacks nealry every anti-Lavin post; and now a moderator who has issued a warning related to content. This, to me, is a significant move toward ensuring is exclusively informatonal and brand conscious.

Regarding my "alterior motive", I would hardly call it alterior. It is the same passion that drives everyone on this board......the desire to see the program achieve it's full potential. If I feel we are going down a road that seems likely to result in several additional unfullfilled seasons, I feel compelled to express that. I am a long time supporter of this program. I have supported with my voice and significantly (for me) with my wallet. Subsequently, I feel I have every right to express my displeasure. However, if ownership of this site is going to impose guidlines against such expression, then I will abide and visit the site only after a great win. I have noticed that some who are of my opinion (i.e. SJUISBACK) have already left. Eventually, the site will indeed be void of any critical contributions.

As for the repetitiveness of posts, I have heard and considered your feedback. Perhaps I can do better. However, two posts that express displeasure of Lavin should not necessarily be categorized as repetitive unless the posts both detail the same supporting evidence. For example, if one post mentions the poor use of timeouts and the next references our line-up......this, to me, is not repetitive.

In the end, I am a pretty compliant person. Let me know the rules and I'll follow them. If it creates a boring site I'll move on.
While admittedly I haven't paid close attention to all of Johnnyfan's posts I don't think he is Realfan.
The mod's are pretty fair with what's written on the boards. As a general rule it's perfectly fine for anyone to express their opinion on Coach or anything but if you have to make every post about that same theme then that rubs people the wrong way.

There are a lot of unhappy people about the way last season went so it's not like it's a just a bunch of homer's here. Another year like last year and it's going to be like world war 3 with posters here I can assure you. If the season turns out well enjoy it and hope for plenty more like it
Honestly, none of the people who run this site care one way or the other whether posters like or dislike Lavin. The constant posting of the same crap on every single thread, in every single post has to stop though. Hijacks threads and makes the board unreadable. Challenging people to fight is even worse. Just plain childish.
Honestly, none of the people who run this site care one way or the other whether posters like or dislike Lavin. The constant posting of the same crap on every single thread, in every single post has to stop though. Hijacks threads and makes the board unreadable. Challenging people to fight is even worse. Just plain childish.

Agree wholeheartedly, "Redundancy is the language of the intellectually challenged" !!!
Honestly, none of the people who run this site care one way or the other whether posters like or dislike Lavin. The constant posting of the same crap on every single thread, in every single post has to stop though. Hijacks threads and makes the board unreadable. Challenging people to fight is even worse. Just plain childish.

Agree wholeheartedly, "Redundancy is the language of the intellectually challenged" !!!

To me, if you're a moderator, I would think this type of behavior should be more of the focus.
Honestly, none of the people who run this site care one way or the other whether posters like or dislike Lavin. The constant posting of the same crap on every single thread, in every single post has to stop though. Hijacks threads and makes the board unreadable. Challenging people to fight is even worse. Just plain childish.


Well said and long overdue!!
And honestly, this is probably just an effect of all the posters being bored because the season is now over. It's a boring time for fans and I think that may be why posts may be getting redundant and old
As mentioned by some others (see the Big East Coaches thread), I find it interesting that many who support Lavin choose to engage in this crusade to censor the opposing view. What is getting old are the threats of banning and blocking, when no board rules have been broken. You can have your opinion, fine. I don't agree with it, and I don't understand it.........but it's yours. When/if your opinion bothers me to the point of frustration, I will stop reading your posts. I love the freedom.

People telling you to stop are not lavin supporters. People telling you to stop are just regular posters tired of seeing every thread derailed by lavin hate. Do I like lavin? Nope, not at all, but it's brought up in every thread, a lot of times by you and a few others. And today I guess there weren't any other threads to hijack so you decided to resurrect his thread from the dead, it's just getting so old, we get your point, it has been made over and over, let's move on.

Don't sweat it, Jack. A typical realfan reply when he's been figured out. Go and look back at all his screennames prior to him being banned, and the reply is similar to the one above. A few words may be different, but the delivery and tone of the posts are nearly identical. He's also becomes very defensive.

It's generally easy to figure him out.

Dinkins.....I joined the board approximately one year ago and have had two screen names (James/JohnnyFan). You seem extremely confident that I am a previously banned poster, but I am not. I am not sure how else to prove it, so I won't try.

Don't let dinkins get under your skin. He is quite the conspiracy theorist. He's been known to challenge posters that are to vociferous in their criticism of lavin to duke it out with him Mano y Mano. I still get nervous when I'm walking alone at night.

Welcome back boo Harvey long time we haven't heard from you. If you came back to post something of substance about our team great. However, if you came back to instigate trouble with fellow posters I strongly suggest you refrain. We have enough posters who bicker and quarrel but at least that add something to the discussion more often than not. I am waiting for you to do the same.
Thanking you in advance.

I appreciate the post. I visit this site daily and very much enjoy the occasional thoughtful informative post I read. You'll forgive me if I'm reluctant to offer my opinion on a regular basis. The specter of being accused of hiding/changing my identity, threatened with censor by the thought police or being challenged to a fistfight by dinkins is quite a deterrent. However, from time to time Ill read a particularly incendiary/moronic post and be unable to refrain myself.