[quote="Eric Williamson" post=318499][quote="Mike Zaun" post=318493][quote="Marillac" post=318492]"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. -George Santayana"
I can't believe you really believe that continuity should come before results. Imagine your kid having a terrible teacher and at a meeting, the administration tells you they plan to keep the teacher because continuity is more important than competence and results. It's your emotion involving Mullin interfering with your thought process IMO.[/quote]
That's a terrible analogy. So you expect the school's administration to make a teaching change because of one disgruntled student and his/her parents? Now if the majority of the students and parents complain, that may be a different story. Even then, you have to look at and compare to past years results. If said teacher has been using the same teaching methods for 10 years and has achieved positive results, and then in year 11, results are down, that does not mean that the teacher is a bad teach and should be replaced. More than likely it was just a bad year, an outlier, and things will get back to 'normal' in future years.
In regards to Mullin, unless he voluntarily decides to step down, he isn't going anywhere. He provides a level of continuity and has improved every year since he's been here. The team has won 8, 14, 16, and currently 15 games in each season since he's been hired. The only argument to made against him is that the turnaround hasn't happened quick enough. Then you need to remember that we weren't exactly a powerhouse when he was brought in. We had made the tournament like 2 times in the past 20 years, so to expect Mullin to come here and make the tournament every year isn't that reasonable.[/quote]
People vote with their feet. How many have left the program since Mullin started here? What is the recruiting situation like with HS kids? That represents many disgruntled kids/parents in the analogy.
You're not taking a nuanced look at the results. You disregard huge factors like the OOC games being 90% cupcakes, progress but much slower than anticipated progress, etc. Since you love my analogies here's another...your boss pays you a few bucks more each year and you complain you don't get raises. Well, technically you are getting more money each year, just not nearly enough. Last year was NIT minimum regardless of LoVett and this season is NCAA's or bust. The only record that truly matters is your conference record. Our OOC schedule was an abomination and we were supposed to be undefeated. When our competition is more level in the same weight class, we have failed miserably. If you don't have real standards, you accept failure. This mindset has infected many fans sadly.