If Obekpa leaves, Lavin needs to go with him. It's over, at first, it was thought Sampson was just chasing a dream to go to the nba, and hooper was leaving cause his best friend did. But it's becoming clear why these guys are leaving. Lavin has not just been giving fans the stupid "progress" BS about us slowly getting closer to reaching our goals, he's been talking like this to the players too.
Let me put it this way. How would you feel if you are a player for Steve Lavin, and he is in the locker room getting you all pumped up, telling you that you will keep playing better as a team and make the tournament? Excited right? But then, you go out on the court, and teams are running sets on offense you don't know how to defend. Teams are throwing defenses at you that you've never faced in practice. Teams are greatly in order, move the ball effectively, and run a play almost every time down the court. How would it feel? Because if I'm a player, I feel like this guy that had me all pumped up, left me unprepared and not ready to compete. A cheerleader can only be fun for so long. Eventually, their screams and chants get old, worn out, and annoying. A cheerleader can do all the chanting they want for the team, but in the end, have no impact on the game.
Steve Lavin is nothing more than a hype man. He brought these guys in with a big fat promise that they would be one of the best teams in the big east. And now the players are realizing that their talent alone can't get them far, they need some rule of game coach and strategist to help them reach their desired postseason achievements. And when our players signed to SJU, they probably thought Lavin could be that guy because of his sweet sixteens at UCLA. But when Lav was at UCLA, he was able to get such good talent, those teams were able to make sweet 16s even despite his coaching skills. But this is St. John's, a program that has struggled for a long time. The talent isn't as good, and for us to be a sweet 16 team, it would require Lavin to do something he has never had to do, and that's coach.
My comparison? Steve Lavin and John Calipari are a lot alike. Calipari is not that great of a coach. But the fact that he's at Kentucky, he got such good talent, and the talent learned how to play together at the right time, so he's competing for a spot in the national championship Saturday night. But at St. John's, there isn't as great talent, so the players we have need to be coached correctly. It's a shame, and I've liked Lavin since he came, but it's time. He had a chance to prove that he could really coach, and he failed. He's not at UCLA anymore, and while he brought in very good young players, they just aren't good enough to be great without some type of coaching implemented.