I was over at Hoyasaxa several weeks ago, and came across this particular post....
"The conversation is far livelier and more intelligent over at Casual Hoya. There's (get this!) actual perspective over there - this board is now overpopulated by the worst type of sports fans: Embittered folks with way too much emotional investment in the won-loss results of a group of young men in their late teens/early 20s. It's one thing to care - we all care. It's another to revel in the team's failings, and to use every negative occurrence as an excuse to question the talent and character of our coaching staff and our roster. The great results of the past decade are largely ignored at the first sign of adversity - the loud and cynical grab pitchforks and pink slips and start pounding their keyboards around here.
RDF was the canary in the coal mine: This board's existence as a useful place to talk about Georgetown basketball has ceased. It is now a haven for the angry and the bored. Good riddance."
The difference is our past decade hasn't been nearly as good, as G'town's. But other than that this post hits home when it comes to this site. The same probably can be said for other, collegiate football/basketball sites, as well. Those types aren't usually large (unless, things are really bad), but they tend to make the most noise. I know someone will subconsciously believe it's them and will chime in. Have at it....
**RDF is a poster over at Hoyatalk. I don't believe he posts much any, longer, and that is why the OP mentioned his name. Seems RDF saw where the board was headed.**