well i see we have absolutely no information on Mussini
Well we do. It's not new but thanks to Fun we are 100% positive that Mussini is white.
That's correct. And the very same fans who prayed that Marco and Max rode the pines in favor of thier black teammates, now all of a sudden want Mussini to get more PT because he is white?????. SMFH over the level of utter ridiculousness on this thread.
That is not the point at all and I know that you're smarter than that, and probably better. The other moron isn't but you are.
We have here 18 pages of thread about a marginal basketball player. Let that sink in: 18 pages. There was no 18 page thread last year about Durand Johnson, who's infinitely better at basketball than Missini. There was no 18 page thread about Ron Mvouika, a 40 percent three point shooter last year who's infintely better at basketball than Missini. Why? I think I know. I don't question the motives of every poster who roots for Missini, but only because I know the motives of some of them, so I don't have to ask the question.
You want Missini to succeed because he's a pasean, god bless. Me, I want him to succeed because if he does we do. But since I am not blinded by blood or kinship I don't pretend that he's anything other than what he is. Which is that he's capable - capable - of shooting well from the three point line, and otheriwse he stinks, by every metric by which stink is measured. I spent three years ragging on Phil Greene, who despite the difference in melanin is in fact an apt comparison: he looked better than he was as a shooter and otherwise contributed nothing. No doubt that makes me a racist.
Show me a thread about what a fine representative of the university Durand Johnson was. Show me a thread about how hard Bashir Ahmed plays. Here's a clue: you can't. Missini is not fit to carry Phil Missere's jock and he was a paesan as well. That would perhaps make me a racist, if Italian was a race.