After a few days of not reading the forum/message board, I thought I would come to this thread to see if Federico's health situation has improved. Clearly a mistake. It's kind of funny/sad to read people complain about this thread being 22+ pages long, but in reality, it's about a page and a half of content related to the original subject.
I hope he's feeling better, but I should wouldn't find that out on this particular thread. He's an asset on this team, and by all accounts a good kid who represents us well on and off the court. So it's a bit puzzling that he's getting trashed on everything from his playing ability to his heritage. Kind of pathetic.
Couldn't have said it better. This whole string is ridiculous.
How much you want to bet than when Lovett leaves next year or year after we have a thread of 'good riddance", "good luck in Uzbekistan" and maybe even a few "punk and quitter".
Next year when Mussini goes back to Europe we will only have "Thanks for choosing to come over here", Wish you the best" and "you were unjustly criticized".
Anyone want to take the bet the above doesn't happen?
And you expect that will happen based on what? Certainly not how we treated Harkless and Sampson when they left, and since then. Can't be based on how we've reacted so far to rumors that Lovett may leave. So what exactly are you basing your prediction on?
Oh come on. Every time someone leaves its addition by subtraction. Sampson was a cancer who made a huge mistake leaving early and had no shot at making an NBA roster. Good riddance to Christian Jones, who is not a Big East player. See ya Nurideen Lindsey, you're a pussy who quite on your teammates. Ditto Sima, leaving mid year. Conversely can you remember any posters thanking Quincy Roberts for his service to Saint John's and congratulating him for being such a good citizen and wishing him good luck in all his future endeavors? He was injured quite a bit, were there any 22 page threads expressing concerns about his head injury? Because I don't recall any.
Is that racism though, or simply us being petty bitches 99 percent of the time? There have been horrible racists on these boards, but other than a handful of guys toeing the line these days with borderline racist jokes, I think the board has been cleaned up pretty good over the past few years.
I don't know Monte, but he seems like a pretty good guy. Never got the impression he was a racist from any of his posts. I can't honestly fault him for liking the Italian player if his own name ends in a vowel.
For the record whether he is kidding or not I can at least understand Monte liking Mussini because he can relate to him. My issue really is the people that keep trying to make Mussini into something he is not and won't admit THE Reason.
See for me I don't care, white, black, good guy, bad guy Jayson Williams. I root for good basketball players. Would like them to be nice guys but not a deal breaker for me. Would be great if I can relate to the guys on the team. But truthfully I don't want a 5-10 white chucker on ST John's so would be tough for me.
And yes part of the reason Mussini won't be bashed on the way out is people know he really won't have a big affect on the basketball team going forward. Whereas that will not be the case for Lovett. So yes I can see your point.
I root for Mussini to succeed a little harder because I like the kid, and because he's from Italy. That doesn't mean that I don't see his limitations as a player. Just like I took particular pride in the fact that the winning shot in last year's NCAA championship game was made by a kid from a Jesuit High School. Just like I'm a little extra proud of Shamorie and root a little extra harder for him because he's from Brooklyn. People have myriad reasons for favoring certain players. Could racism be a reason? Of course it could. But I'd like to think that isn't the reason for the large majority of posters on this board.
And for the record, I've bashed Jayson Williams mercilessly, and he is 1/2 Italian. And I despise Diblasio, although I think he's nothing more than a big impasta.
Sorry Monte, but I don't think you or anyone else has to defend themselves on the subject of liking Mussini.
I happen to like Mussini and Amar mostly because friends in the AD told me by exampke what great kids they are.
I like Mvouika because he exoresses a strong faith in his twitter feed.
I like Harrison because of how he fought through his issues to reveal a strong man of character.
And i like all the former players - Hardy, Harrison, Balamou, Lavin and many others because the follow our team game by game and root hard.
Sorry but injecting race into this discussion is asinine and doesnt warrant a direct response.