Fair enough, regarding your feeling on the relevance of past coaches, I see your point but don’t necessarily share it, I certainly disagree with Mike’s point regarding them in relation to Pitino.
Specific to last year, my feeling on Dunlap’s non-use in the 2nd half of the UConn game was regarding it as a symptom rather than the disease.
My biggest gripes are two fold, the absolute lack of role definition on either team, other than Jenkins, reflected in the shuffling of starters almost game to game, any discernible substitution patterns, never mind roles and responsibilities, everyone fires 3’s, whenever; for example, IMO, the most glaring one is the decision to go with two point guards with very different styles and skill sets this year.
The second gripe is Pitino’s seemingly uncontrollable penchant for throwing players and the team under the bus publicly. He is the boss, good leaders, IMO, take the heat publicly and do what they have to do to fix it privately. Old school maybe but that’s what I think, others may disagree,
Finally, I find this idea that Pitino should be above reproach because SJU hired shitty coaches forever or because of his HOF career prior to coming here absolutely absurd.