A resounding NO to UConn. And its not because Jim Calhoun was an ass to us all those years, or even because of football (although that is a good enough reason in and of itself) . IT's also because UConnis a large public university.
The great things about the new Big East is that we are finally in a conference with schools with similar resources and missions. Our schools are private, mostly Catholic (although that doesn't matter all that much), and focused on basketball.
In the old Too Big East, not only were we competing against schools who have the resources of big-time football, but we also had to compete again large public universities that have access to a bottomless pile of taxpayer resources -- UConn, West Virginia, Rutgers, etc.
There is a huge resource disparity between those kind of schools and the school in the new Big East. So if we expand -- and I personally don't think we should -- then we should look other private schools -- a Dayton or St. Louis or St. Joe's. No UConn, no VCU, no UMass etc.