I don’t think we have a chance of making the tournament (not rocket science)…But, I will never give up supporting the program or the school. So, we need to fill CA for the remaining games to avoid hampering any potential recruiting efforts. Whether you're pro or anti CMA, we need to ensure that potential recruits don’t put us on the “pay no mind list”. You may laugh, scoff and say we’re already there. As die hards, and we all are, we have no choice.
very easy to bail at this point. But, Beast recently posted a very well stated summary of why a recruit should consider SJ. While we’re all very frustrated, we need to do what we can do - which is at minimum to show up and to the extent possible support the AD’s efforts to increase student support.
For me, I would be ecstatic to see the top tier at CA full for the Butler, X, Creighton and Marquette (tbd) game. Sometimes you gotta be pissed but show up anyway. Just like your wedding day.