BE recommendations;
the following:
· Modification of the NBA draft rule. The NCAA should urge the NBA and National Basketball Players Association to create a “none or two” draft eligibility rule to afford elite players greater flexibility to explore their professional options directly out of high school. Players electing to enroll in an NCAA institution would become eligible for the NBA draft following their second NCAA season.
· New summer recruiting model. The new model should launch in the summer of 2019 and allow for centralized control and efficient evaluation of pre-collegiate prospects.
· Modified apparel company relationships with universities. Apparel company contracts should require that income for coaches and administrators be paid through the university rather by apparel companies directly. The NCAA should also mandate specific disclosures from apparel companies before they can enter into contracts with NCAA institutions.
· Regulated role for advisors and agents. The NCAA should allow basketball student-athletes to retain the services of certified agents and advisors in a regulated framework to provide advice about their futures and guide them in their decisions about whether to enter the NBA draft.
· Beefed up enforcement resources (or an independent enforcement agency modeled after USADA) and more significant penalties for egregious rule violations. The NCAA should also promote more aggressively the importance of ethical conduct as a core value.
· Collaboration with USA Basketball, the sport’s national governing body, to improve the organizational structure and standards for pre-collegiate, non-scholastic basketball.
· Elite Player Unit within the NCAA to focus on the areas highlighted by the Commission’s charge. The new management unit should provide oversight of recruiting, agents and advisors, apparel company relationships, ethical conduct and branding strategies.