He's not 7'. He's got maybe 5" on Aston and Haggerty. FWIW I didn't get the sense that Lavin and Co have much of a relationship with the folks over at CTK. And establishing that relationship falls solely on the shoulders of Lavin. Maybe that explains why we haven't had much luck(Mo notwithstanding) with NYC kids. I mean if that staff hasn't established a close tie with the best program in the city, then they're likely not going to have much success recruiting here. We should be all over Alkins.
There have been rumblings from CTK coaches that Lavin and staff have never been to CTK. Kind of find that hard to believe regardless of how lazy they are. There are quotes and video interviews from De La Rosa about how much he likes the staff. Prior to the season it was as if we led for him. Not sure why there is disconnect with CTK unless staff is going thru the players directly or guardians as opposed to the school?
More or less heard same thing about staff yesterday. Not good whether perceived or reality. Gotta make our presence felt. Sounds like Jarvis all over again with regard to not establishing relationships locally. Not to beat a dead horse, but that's one of the benefits of having an NY guy here....he understands who the key players(not talking about the kids) are and how to deal with them. Lavin, for as much of a salesman as he is, may just be a little to slick/hollywood for his own good.
At the Nova game, I heard two people talking about the St. John's roster and how there are not any New York players. They mentioned that St. John's used to always have some New York players and that was what made them tough. I am not even sure what team these people were rooting for. Even Nova has Pinkston. I know recruiting has become national and Lavin has grabbed players from across the country(world) but I would like to see more NY kids.
When will NY'ers realize that these kids have a god given ability that can get them OUT of New York. When you consider where most of these kids grew up leaving New York is pretty damn enticing. Its such a flawed argument when people talk about it IMO>
I agree with you almost completely on this issue. NY kids more often than not want to leave, and you don't need to recruit heavy in NYC to be successful at St Johns. Take the talent where you can find it. Lavin has shown how to do that.
But what I think isn't mentioned enough is the effect it has on the program and attendance. Which we always bitch about, and for good reason.
It's not always possible to get the local studs obviously, but when you do it builds interest and a sense of community. You can't tell me there wouldn't be more fannies in the seats at MSG if Kemba, Lance, or KA stayed home.
We bitch and moan about the lack of support and interest, and that's a big way to address it.
That doesn't mean you don't recruit Harrison in TX, of course you do. But I think if Lavin needs to put in the time with the local coaches and throw them a bone once in awhile, so that when a special player does come along we're in good position... then he should be doing it.
You don't need NYC kids to win at st johns, but I think when you do have the local star - it builds the fan base. Our "glory days" all contain local kids that got the attention of casual nyc basketball fans... from Mullin to our era with Jayson, Malik, Felipe, Ron etc.
So, fwiw, I wouldn't say it's priority #1, but I do think the next coach should pay attention to it.