Yankees 2024 Season

game 56. tough loss.
one run lead in 8th with 2 outs and 2 on. poof lead gone. game gone.
torres the mood was thrown out at home by a wide margin.
replay showed the 3rd base coach gave him the green light.
streaks alive. double bravo. volpe again hits. starters go 5 with 2 or less runs.
dj is back. put him at 2nd base.
Yet another sloppy loss. Seems to be the norm for this team in losses. Sending Torres home was ridiculous. What was the coach thinking?

The play by Rizzo was an error. How the hell was that a hit? He has been subpar defensively this season.

Yanks hitters allowed a bunch of bad relievers all with ERAs over 5 to shut them down the last 4 innings.

Bad loss.
Watch this Anderson shut down the Yanks tonight after they blew a big chance in the 1st. Good old Boone changes the lineup for no reason, and the Statue fails, as always.
So Boone will talk about all the traffic they had in the first 2 innings. But he'll make excuses for the 2 interference calls.
Check out Gil's #s in May, I didn't realize it was this great.

Thu 5/23vsSEASEAW
Sat 5/18vsCHWCHWW
Sun 5/12@TBTBW
Tue 5/7vsHOUHOUW

That's elite stuff right there.
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game 57. streak this.
volpe hits again. cy gil goes 5 scoreless frames.
oh and dugie goes yard.
volpe triples himself home.
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Yankees hitters are being shut down by a pathetic pitching staff the last 10 innings.
The kid just showed he's human giving up a HR.

Still 7 inning, 2 hits, 1run & 10 Ks.

85 pitches through 7, give him the 8th.
This pen scares me.

Surprise surprise, glad Boone is leaving Gil in the pitch the 8th.
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14 baserunners, including 9 walks, and only 2 runs, because they can't hit with RISP. 1 for 8 tonight.

You let a bad team hang around and bad things will happen........
Here we go. Nothing is easy with this team.

A hit, then a wild pitch.

Exactly what happens when you let a team hang around.

Now a walk. A damn shame. As good as Holmes has been, this team needs a lock down closer more than anything else.

From time to time, Holmes has that deer in the headlights look.

Somehow they don't blow it for Gil.
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