Yankees 2024 Season

Up and down Yanks go down again to a no name, struggling pitcher and team. Unacceptable.

Seems like all the Yankees are doing is watching Judge crush pitches, while not contributing.

Now Volpe looks lost. Needs a day off.

Rice with a big run scoring double, then typically runs into an out with none out at 3rd base. Once again the fundamentally deficient Yanks make a boneheaded running play in a close game, where his run is critical.

Poor starting pitching once again for this Jekyll and Hyde team. Not looking forward to the Red Sux lighting Gil up Sunday night.

Cannot continue to lose to subpar teams, especially at home.

5-12 in the last 17 games is not going to cut it.

Next we get to watch (or not since tomorrow's game is on Prime) a struggling Rodon, and the Yankees struggle against a no name lefty starter. Oh boy.
Truly amazing that the same thing occurs every night over the last 3 weeks. You would think the pitching and hitting woes are correctable.

They get behind in every game. They can't hit no-name or lefty starters.

They are a one trick pony. Judge. They get a few walks, and no one can drive in a run. Their at bats across thd board are so feeble. Four innings tonight and 2 hits. All they seem to do is hit fly balls, pop outs and grounders to first base.

Utterly pathetic. Down early again tonight, you have to hope the Reds don't score any more runs, and you know that's not going to happen.

You can be sure that Montas will shut them down tomorrow afternoon.
Watching this game on Prime. Now I know why I DVR all the other televised games. This is such a boring team to watch live.

I thought Rodon was going to punch Boone when he was removed from the game. Maybe that would have been a good thing.

How much longer can you keep running out guys like Davis, DJLM and Jones?

Guys who are good hitters come to the Yanks and underperform. Verdugo comes to mind. What is in the Yankee Stadium water?
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Yet another uninspiring effort by a team that is absolutely dead in the water. No fire in this team.

Can't be losing series to teams like the Reds, especially at home, and especially when you are considered the superior team.

Judge can't be swinging at the first pitch against a reliever that was all over the place. Yankees have hit into the most DPs in MLB. No surprise.

Time for someone to crush a water cooler, or something. I had no issue what Stroman did last week, at least showing a bit of intensity. This team has none.

Team needs a major shakeup. Boone has no idea how to fix this.

Red Sux are only 5 down in the loss column. Will be less after this weekend.

Guaranteed Montas shuts this team down tomorrow afternoon.
Ben Rice moved to leadoff today. Volpe down to six.

Yankees should consider moving Verdugo up to #2 (even if he's struggling right now) and Soti down to #4, in order to make sure Judge sees more pitches to hit.
Another f*cking disgraceful series. Yanks AA players were swept by the Reds AA players. In a home series.

It is now time to jettison Boone. This team is deaf to whatever he is saying, continues to be undisciplined and fundamentally poor, while he makes head scratching changes. Boone says he has to make sure guys are sharp. We'll, WTF is he doing to right the ship? Absolutely nothing. Geez, this coaching staff sucks.

Pitchers cannot get out of innings. 7 were scored with 2 outs today. This team is always behind. Yet another starter that barely got through 5 innings. Giving up homers to .200 and lower hitters is not going to cut it. What is Blake doing?

This weekend is not going to be fun with a hot Red Sux team coming in.

Once again Judge swung at the 1st pitch after a Soto walk. Sorry, but discipline is required there. The lackadaisical play by Grisham is typical of what haunts this team. The contact play on a ball hit to the SS with the best arm in the game is comical. Volpe has to hit a fly ball there.

Unfortunately I was correct when I said yesterday that Montas would shut them down. Another castoff gets us.

The June swoon continues into July.
He should have removed Grisham when he loafed in the field.
Another f*cking disgraceful series. Yanks AA players were swept by the Reds AA players. In a home series.

It is now time to jettison Boone. This team is deaf to whatever he is saying, continues to be undisciplined and fundamentally poor, while he makes head scratching changes. Boone says he has to make sure guys are sharp. We'll, WTF is he doing to right the ship? Absolutely nothing. Geez, this coaching staff sucks.

Pitchers cannot get out of innings. 7 were scored with 2 outs today. This team is always behind. Yet another starter that barely got through 5 innings. Giving up homers to .200 and lower hitters is not going to cut it. What is Blake doing?

This weekend is not going to be fun with a hot Red Sux team coming in.

Once again Judge swung at the 1st pitch after a Soto walk. Sorry, but discipline is required there. The lackadaisical play by Grisham is typical of what haunts this team. The contact play on a ball hit to the SS with the best arm in the game is comical. Volpe has to hit a fly ball there.

Unfortunately I was correct when I said yesterday that Montas would shut them down. Another castoff gets us.

The June swoon continues into July.
Disagree about Judge. He needs to swing at the first good pitch he sees (because thar might be all he gets) and many times, that's the first one.

The guy who gave up the homer to him Tuesday night admitted afterwards that he grooved the first one in there. He figured Judge would automatically take down by 2, and that with an easy strike, he could work the corners.

As an aside, the all-star break being a week later than last year, really hurts this team right now. They could probably use the four days away to reset, if nothing else.
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