Yankees 2024 Season

odds and sods
I second that emotion - the strike zone was wide, low, and high. bravo boonie for telling it.
the pen.
unless 2 or so reliefers step up.
cashman will be tweaking the pen roster daily until october
booniee will be walking a pen tightrope through the playoffs.
ben . swinging at a 3 & zero count as a rookie under the mendoza line.
bens next at bat, another 3 & 0 count and he walked on 4 pitches.
trent - under a double mendoza and hits an opposite field homer. go figga., I cant
the 2 graduates of the gary sanchez community college.
torres hustles a single into a double. stanton turns a triple into a double for a 10 game streak.
bravo stroman. bravo $99
MLB should allow the umps to bring their seeing-eye dogs on the field when they're working.
when is a timeout not a timeout?
Had the same thing happen in a college fastpitch softball game I was behind the plate for this morning. Young lady asked for time late, never verbalized the request, and it was too late to grant it. She relaxed assuming she had time, but ended up having a called strike.

Soto's request was late, and he never should have left the box.
Tough loss. Faced a tough pitcher today. Need something out of Torres and DJLM. They have been awful.

Oh wait. JD Davis to the rescue!

Mild strain for The Statue. Probably means 2 months out for him. Just imagine what his running, or lack thereof, is going to be like when he returns.