Yankees 2024 Season

I'd rather see Wells as the DH.
I'd rather see Wells as the catcher, TBH. He could be the future there (Trevino definatly is not). I'd like to see him get about 70 percent of the starts, regardless of if it's a lefty or righty on the mound for the other team.

Boone is one of those managers who abhors using the other catcher as the DH (most managers are like that). He also almost never takes either catcher out, unless he really has to, for injury, or some other purpose (like Trevino coming in to pitch a couple of times).
Trade for Vlad and re-evaluate after this season. Guy is battling .286. Past comments mean nothing compared to getting a ring. Also let Ben Rice catch. Bump Trevino and Wells.
Soto head not in game to start off. No outs man on first has 3-0 count and tries to bunt. WTH. Then on ball 4 he stands there for a while didn’t know he walked which is why shouldn’t have been bunting in 3-0. Get your head in the game son.
We've been fortunate that the Orioles have lost five straight. We've actually gained 1 1/2 games on them, since they left town.

The Red Sox are threating to get into the AL East race now, although they got beat tonight, as well.
Another pathetically pitched game by a Yankees starter, and yet another game where a subpar starter is on the ropes in the 1st inning, and not one effing hitter can put the ball in play.

I hope Cole is healthy, because what I saw tonight was a pitcher who had absolutely nothing, and looked like he was holding back.

Did not like the look in the dugout with Rizzo and The Statue having a jolly old time, laughing it up while down 6 runs to the Muts.

I don't know what more can be said about Torres' lack of effort, lack of hitting, lack of baseball IQ, etc., etc., etc. How the hell does he get away with the shit he pulled in the 8th inning tonight? Now Torres is claiming he has a groin issue. Bullshit.

I'm beginning to question Soto here longterm for a ridiculous amount of money. Seeing some chinks in the armor. His OF play the last few weeks has been poor, and sometimes he just seems out to lunch. This is his 3rd team in a very short career. Teams are seeing things they don't like.

Bottom of the order is as bad as any I've seen. Need some good reinforcements to get this train moving in the right direction.

Team is just plain horrible hitting with RISP. Same shit, different year.

Boone is a f*cking bag of excuses. His commentary on Cole's velocity was comical.

"Gleyber has to make that play". Of course he does, you idiot. Said he'll talk to Torres (for the f*cking millionth time). Blubbering idiot.

Team has been sloppy in so many areas under Boone. As long as he is in place, it will continue.

Glad the game is on Prime tomorrow night so we're not stuck watching this shitshow of a team.
The following is a comment on another site and it is hard to argue with:

Boone has a .590 winning percentage
He is only manager in mlb history to make playoffs his first five years managing
Yet never gets any credit when team is winning
When team tanks it’s all his fault
Rodon starts getting shelled it’s not a bad signing by cash man it’s Boone fault
La may PU can’t hit it’s not cash man fault for signing him it’s Boone
Stanton gets injured and Boone is the idiot not cash man for aquiring him
On and on it goes
Team goes in massive slump second half of year because that is what veteran teams often do, it’s not poor construction by cash man it’s all on Boone
Cash man escapes fault time and time again and all blame directed at Boone
The following is a comment on another site and it is hard to argue with:

Boone has a .590 winning percentage
He is only manager in mlb history to make playoffs his first five years managing
Yet never gets any credit when team is winning
When team tanks it’s all his fault
Rodon starts getting shelled it’s not a bad signing by cash man it’s Boone fault
La may PU can’t hit it’s not cash man fault for signing him it’s Boone
Stanton gets injured and Boone is the idiot not cash man for aquiring him
On and on it goes
Team goes in massive slump second half of year because that is what veteran teams often do, it’s not poor construction by cash man it’s all on Boone
Cash man escapes fault time and time again and all blame directed at Boone
If Yanks have their expected second half swoon both Boone & Cashman should be gone, imho opinion they should have been gone after last year.