EliteBaller K" post=410538 said:
Why does everyone have to get the vaccine, I always thought that if someone gets a vaccine that they'd be safe, whether another person gets the vaccine or not.
this is the first time that I'm hearing that everyone has to get the vaccine.
that's why I get suspicious.
I'll get the vaccine when I'm comfortable getting it.
Respectfully, you should read about how vaccines work. The suggestion that we need a high percentage of people to get the shot is not new and should not make you skeptical.
There are several reasons, but I'll give you two:
1.) Relatively no vaccines are 100% effective. The measels shot is close (97%), but the flu shot averages about 60%. That said, if I get a vaccine and I am surrounded only by other people who have had that vaccine, it elevates my protection or reduces my chances of contracting the virus. Conversely, if I am surround only by people who did
not take the vaccine, my protection is limited to the vaccine's effective rate.
2.) The chief goal is to completely retire Covid19. We could do that it a very high percentage of people get the vaccine. However, if we allow it to linger around, it will just contiune to mutate and become an annual concern
(like the flu, but more problematic over the initial years).
The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are shown to be highly effective with comparatively safe side effect profiles. The companies themselves do not participate in data collection during Phase III trials. This is not a scam and the lightening quick speed was achieved through harnessing the best minds and unlimited resources. No safety protocals were skipped or eliminated.
Just some food for consideration.
my doctor also said Carnesseca Arena Upper Level sitting will help as an immunity booster so looks like I'll have to start sitting there again for a game or 2 each season to help develop antibodies