
I was disappointed to see New Jersey elevate smokers to the top priority phase.  Until yesterday, I was content to patiently wait my turn but this is a mess.  I will falsely claim to be a smoker to get the shot.
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JohnnyFan" post=412737 said:
I was disappointed to see New Jersey elevate smokers to the top priority phase.  Until yesterday, I was content to patiently wait my turn but this is a mess.  I will falsely claim to be a smoker to get the shot.

That's tanamount to prioritizing an alocholic on the kidney transplant list.
I'm hearing in New York being a St John's fan will be considered a pre existing condition and starting Monday you can get the shot
mjmaherjr" post=412739 said:
I'm hearing in New York being a St John's fan will be considered a pre existing condition and starting Monday you can get the shot
I say free Xanax prescriptions to any triple crown members... aka fans of all 3 of Jets, Knicks, and St John's 
Jack Williams" post=412740 said:
mjmaherjr" post=412739 said:
I'm hearing in New York being a St John's fan will be considered a pre existing condition and starting Monday you can get the shot
I say free Xanax prescriptions to any triple crown members... aka fans of all 3 of Jets, Knicks, and St John's 
Exactly.  That's all I ask.....common sense policy.
While an argument can. Be made that all conditions cited so far are self inflicted at least there is scientific evidence of nicotine and alcohol being physical addictions.  Following the mets, jets, and st. John's is purely a mental health issue.
My 82 year old father in NY cannot find anywhere to get an appointment for the vaccine before April!  That is just ridiculous to me.  If anyone knows someplace that has earlier availability, please let me know. 
North Carolina just changed vaccine phases so that anyone 65 or over is phase 2 right after frontline health care workers and long term care staff and residents. They have opened to phase 2 folks as of today.
Unfortunately demand already way exceeds supply, but am hopeful I may be able to get first injection in the next few weeks.   
Anthony Mattia" post=412764 said:
My 82 year old father in NY cannot find anywhere to get an appointment for the vaccine before April!  That is just ridiculous to me.  If anyone knows someplace that has earlier availability, please let me know. 


Anthony ,,, if possible have your father fly to Florida.  I am a New York State resident (66 years old - gag, gag) and i got the vaccine 2 weeks ago while visiting Florida.  I merely put my name on a list in Broward County, I received a time to appear,  received my first shot and an appointment to return for my second shot.  I will fly back next weekend and get my second shot.  Because the vaccine is being paid for under a Federal program I am unaware of any State residency requirement. My brother, also a NYS resident received his vaccine shot in Pasco County Florida.

Good luck to your Dad.
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Otis wrote: Anthony ,,, if possible have your father fly to Florida.  I am a New York State resident (66 years old - gag, gag) and i got the vaccine 2 weeks ago while visiting Florida.  I merely put my name on a list in Broward County, I received a time to appear,  received my first shot and an appointment to return for my second shot.  I will fly back next weekend and get my second shot.  Because the vaccine is being paid for under a Federal program I am unaware of any State residency requirement. My brother, also a NYS resident received his vaccine shot in Pasco County Florida.

Kind of crazy how differently it's being handled in different parts of Florida. My brother and his wife are both 82 and live in Sarasota. He told me that they had to put thier names in a kind of lottery system where they have to wait until their names are picked to get the vaccine.
otis" post=412767 said:
Anthony Mattia" post=412764 said:
My 82 year old father in NY cannot find anywhere to get an appointment for the vaccine before April!  That is just ridiculous to me.  If anyone knows someplace that has earlier availability, please let me know. 


Anthony ,,, if possible have your father fly to Florida.  I am a New York State resident (66 years old - gag, gag) and i got the vaccine 2 weeks ago while visiting Florida.  I merely put my name on a list in Broward County, I received a time to appear,  received my first shot and an appointment to return for my second shot.  I will fly back next weekend and get my second shot.  Because the vaccine is being paid for under a Federal program I am unaware of any State residency requirement. My brother, also a NYS resident received his vaccine shot in Pasco County Florida.

Good luck to your Dad.
Otis,  I believe your information is a bit dated.   I own property in Florida and it is a second residence to me.  I believe you were able to get vaccinated under the provision that snowbirds are eligible to be vaccinated regardless of whether they own property or not so long as they are 65 or older.   That provision was reasonable since many out of state residents rent for typically 1-4 months in the winter without owning and they comprise a large part of Florida's winter population.    The regulation was not intended for casual visitors to the state or anyone to just fly down and get vaccinated.   Like many states, without putting enough detail in the regulation, such as poviding a lease or other proof that you are a non resident residing in FLorida during the winter months (snowbird), you were able to get vaccinated.

The websites have all been flooded now for weeks.   My sister is a full time resident, and even with a husband with a serious illness, neither can get vaccinated right now.   They are both past 65 years old.    The Florida dept of health Eventbrite website is closed right now for registrations, with no word on when it will re-open.   The Publix supermarket chain also recently announced that their pharmacies will vaccinate, but when I checked this morning, all vaccination dates and slots are also filled.

My wife is a school teacher who just got vaccinated this week so that is good.   Although I meet the criteria for vaccination, the earliest I could get an appoint with my wife working diligently for many hours to register me in NY was March 29.   

It's a horrible situation as I have relatives in their 90s who are at grave risk.   They do not leave the house at all, and have been much more compliant than younger people in terms of social gathering.   I am on board with what others have stated here, that we worked backwards to vaccinate those most in need by age, illness, and occupational risk.   

I'm glad you got vaccinated for your sake Otis, but there are millions of older Florida residents waiting who will not get vaccinated until more doses are available. 

My guess is things will open up dramatically by March as far as vaccine availability. The initial rush everyone ekigibke tries to get and creates bottleneck. 
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Anthony Mattia" post=412764 said:
My 82 year old father in NY cannot find anywhere to get an appointment for the vaccine before April!  That is just ridiculous to me.  If anyone knows someplace that has earlier availability, please let me know. 
You have to be diligent in watchign who is getting doses of the vaccine.   Some are independent pharmacies and health clinics.   It seems counterproductive but without a central registry system for all those getting vaccinated, you can register with these smaller clinics which may get your dad vaccinated much sooner if you are lucky.   I'm certain all of these places get flooded as soon as the public is aware that they are vaccinating.
Remember after Sandy when we lost power on Long Island and you had gas runs and as soon as 1 station had gas 1000 cars were in line ?  Then when the power went up for everyone the lines went away It's going to be the same thing with this I'm a couple months
mjmaherjr" post=412772 said:
Remember after Sandy when we lost power on Long Island and you had gas runs and as soon as 1 station had gas 1000 cars were in line ?  Then when the power went up for everyone the lines went away It's going to be the same thing with this I'm a couple months
You just have to survive long enough to be there when the mismanagement abates.
It's too bad that all the folks who handled the 1918 flu epidemic are gone.  They may have been helpful.   Amazing that Coach was born just a few years after.
I got my first vaccination yesterday through the VA here in Portland, OR. They did their staff and long term inpatients first and are now reaching out to more vulnerable out-patients. I am 57 and have been a quadripegic for 36 years. The spnal cord injured vets are a priority group now but they will be expanding soon so if anyone on the board or their family members use the VA, they should be eligible soon.

Getting vaccinated yesterday was one of the most efficient experiences I have had at the VA and they will be moving the process to a larger facility shortly so they can accomodate more folks. They seem to be dialing in the system before opening it up too much which is awesome. Hopefully, other places are doing something similar so the number of vaccines administered will climb in the next few weeks.
Anthony Mattia" post=412764 said:
My 82 year old father in NY cannot find anywhere to get an appointment for the vaccine before April!  That is just ridiculous to me.  If anyone knows someplace that has earlier availability, please let me know. 

If your father goes to a hospital for any care, you should be able to register there. I just received an email from Winthrop Hospital stating that they will contact me to get the vaccine.

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