There was an assumption on this board going in to last season that with most of our team returning, and with the additions of Curbelo and Jones, that we'd be in good shape and be dancing. A good part of the optimism was a result of the perceived positive impact that the continuity would have. When all was said and done, this was one of the most disjointed SJU teams that I've ever seen, and teams with far less continuity had much better seasons then we did. Blame whoever you want, but at the end of the day the continuity didn't mean squat because the kids did not mesh and play as a team. So now, our very same fan base who criticized those very same kids are shedding tears upon their departure? Obviously if Rick thought he could get any of those kids to buy in to his idea of "team first", and to accept a reduced role, then those kids would still be here. Clearly both Soriano and Traore bought in. As I said before, I hate to see Posh, Wusu and others leave, but as Dink and others have said it was thier decision.